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Hey, another poll for Future Fragments, this time related to the powerups/items you’ll be able to pick up in the game!

So, quick recap;

You can pick up the powerups in a number of ways during the game, they’re randomized for the most part (some things will give you stronger or weaker powerups etc.), but you can only hold three at once. (You can drop them at any time, as well.) The powerup abilities stack too, of course.

The powerups are in three categories, Offensive, Defensive, and Utility (stuff like movement speed or jumping height or whatever else).


However, what the poll’s about and what I’m going to ask you all today is to vote on what you feel would be the most entertaining/fun with the powerups as a whole.


Style #1
- Powerups have minimal effect on Talia’s abilities/playstyle (just small boosts), but have no drawbacks whatsoever, and are solely positive.

Style #2

- Powerups have a more noticeable effect on Talia, but also have a bit of a drawback, as well.


To explain this more, here’s an example;


Set of possible Style #1 powerups
- Talia gains 10% damage to her shots.
- Talia has a 5% chance to do double damage to enemies.
- Talia gains a piercing regular shot that goes through the first enemy and hits the next for 25% damage.

Set of possible Style #2 powerups
- Talia’s regular shots do 125% damage, but her firing rate is now slowed by 50%.
- Talia’s regular shots poison enemies for 10HP a second if they connect, but all damage afterwards against poisoned enemies does 50% less damage.

- Talia takes 75% reduced damage from all sources and her invincibility period after taking damage is doubled, but the effect of healing orbs is cut down to just 25% of what it is normally.

Here’s the place to vote!



Style 2 or the mix. Style 1 sounds way too boring.


I feel like the mix is the better option, here. Though it would also be nice to have these set Fire Emblem: Awakening style where you can only "set" so many powerups at a time. Having a perma penalty without the option to turn it off (and the boon) would be very limiting.


Yeah, that's sorta what I mean. Being able to only have a certain amount or be able to swap them in and out would definitely be good!


The way I see it... She uses a fragment to augment her power and it should be version 2. At least in my imagination


I would like to see Style 2, however the overall change should always be a plus. EG. in the poison above, the damage penalty being less severe, like maybe 90%


Honestly, I think you guys are going too complex. I love that you want the game to have depth, but this is a -hentai- game... Maybe you should remember why we are putting our money foreword for this >.>


I understand, but you should also remember what we want to deliver to you; we wanted to make a game that didn't use "hentai game" as an excuse for "poor quality" and "shallow gameplay" like so many hentai games do. We're making this game (and I'm following the same modus operandi with everything I'm working on with hentai) because we believe that hentai games, can be full fledged, fleshed out, deep, legitimate games that weave sexuality into the game in a way that enriches it, that makes it better for it, instead of slapping it on a game or instead of the gameplay being slapped onto hentai, making it a glorified animation viewer. If you're here solely for the porn, and not for anything else though, that's fine; I mean, the full game IS going to have something like 70 sex animations, all fully voiced, boatloads of cutscenes with dialogue and sex in them, so... But yeah, we want the game to be a legitimate game, with legitimate, logical, believable usages of hentai in it, with a legitimate storyline, gameplay, audio, the works. We aren't going to settle for anything less, and we know that we have the chops to do it and to get it out in a timely manner, so why would we want to give you all anything less than that? :P