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So continuing from the last lore post, https://www.patreon.com/posts/weekly-animation-4173605, there's a reason that anyone in the WORM has a hard time getting away with anything (like for example, how all of the enemies that fuck Talia in the Fire Level are executed afterwards), and a reason how the WORM knows that one of their own has broken a law.

In the WORM, all entities working directly with them (so the Celodst are exempt from this, for obvious reasons) has implanted devices that can scan the memories and current senses of all said entities as well.

So at any time, the higher-ups of the WORM can access the eyes of any grunt, the smells that a half-demon might be smelling, the skin sensations that a berserker's feeling, and any of their current thoughts or memories as well.

Now, because the number of troops they have easily numbers in the billions, this obviously isn't a situation where they can keep constant track of everyone's thoughts and senses, and they only really do it in specific cases, because they'd honestly rather divert their man-power and resources elsewhere.

However, in the context of the game, in the first level specifically, this is used for the end-level bonus; if the player accesses all the databanks in the first level,  then it triggers a security alert within the WORM, as you'll have tripped enough security failsafes that finally, they have to get DIRECTLY involved in catching you. (This will change the storyline slightly too, if you pull this off.)

So, to "raise the alarm" so to speak, they'll invoke the brain implants in all these people and raid their thoughts to see your last known location. Then, they'll broadcast the last known thoughts of Talia to all the security monitors in the area, of which a large one happens to be in the next area Talia walks into between the Fire and Ice levels.

The problem is... the "last known thoughts" of the soldiers were of doing lewd things to Talia, and so their imagination gets broadcast up on the security monitors, much to Talia's embarrassment/annoyance.

This brain implant thing is also why almost all of the databank entries seem to end so formally, in regards to giving the person's name/rank/date of the entry in the exact same format each time; the person isn't entering these themselves, they're having them entered for them by the computer system logging their entries by simply scanning the brainwaves of the person doing the entry.

In fact, this is even why some logs seem to be somewhat "train of thought"-based; people in the WORM have the option to do thought-based entries, so they're allowed to keep working while they create a log entry for their own records (or for the WORM's records to make dispersal of such information easier, like for example, a scientific paper... and also so the non-higher-ups don't ever get/need access to the WORM's brain-scanning technology.)

Finally, this technology is useful in that the WORM is able to keep track of the exact number of people under their command on a daily basis, and the minute one of them drops off the radar without an explanation... well, stuff goes down. Unless of course, the person dropping off the radar knows how to mess with the WORM's sensors and such.

Like say, leaving a bunch of objects around that'd have their biological signature on them...




I actually like this Idea


So, would it be wise not to interact with enemies and access databanks? Or would the player want to "raise the alarm" so to speak?

Jonathan Marlow

I think this was mentioned at some point earlier on but I don't remember what the answer was so I'll just ask again. Are there going to be multiple endings?


It'll change the story slightly if you get all the databanks, but by far it's a reward rather than a penalty to do so if you're in it for the hentai :P


Unless I missed it in the demo, I'm assuming this is one of the newer enemies for the Ice Level that isn't in the current demo?

Jonathan Marlow

I personally think the next demo should be primarily to show what some of those "events" u spoke of a while back would be like. it seems like they would need feedback from us as soon as possible to see how well they would work, just a suggestion.


You guys are doing good stuff! Especially looking forward to the amped up attacks from enemies that give them some bite. Feels more like I'm earning that reward, so to speak :P

Jonathan Marlow

How's Cheshire doing with that game engine?


"The problem is... the "last known thoughts" of the soldiers were of doing lewd things to Talia, and so their imagination gets broadcast up on the security monitors, much to Talia's embarrassment/annoyance." Just checking, hitting all the databanks is the only prequisite for it? It's just the soldiers imagining doing stuff to her, so if I'm doing a "super srs" run and manage not to get fucked at all, I'll still see the scene?


Yep, pretty much. If you dont want to see the scene for some reason, we'll figure out a way around that.


Still coming along as always, it'll be about another month, and then another few weeks after that as we create assets for the new c++ version before we do a demo for it etc.


Hey HW, thanks for the post. Hope things are starting to go a little more smoothly for you. This has been the most dramatic project I've been following, that's for sure! Quick question: Will there be a stats counter for the levels... For example, if I pause the game, will it show me how many terminals/secrets/items/whatever are in the level and how many of them are currently collected? So just before I leave an area I can pause and go "Oh shit, I've missed a terminal, time to go and find it!" That would be pretty handy. Finally, I really like these lore posts. While h-scenes in a game are all well and fun, I find it a lot more rewarding if you know the story behind it all, thanks HW.


Well, bizarrely enough, I wrote a response to this, and poof, it vanished! Anyways, yep, we'll have an in-game menu showing all this stuff, and on top of that, you can re-watch cutscenes in the gallery and then see which cutscenes you're missing, by level and by "path" and so forth, so you'll know specifically where to look, etc. Thanks for the pledges and the support :D


That kept happening to me a while ago... spend 10 minutes writing up a decent post and poof, gone! Awesome about the menus and being able to keep track, there's nothing more frustrating than trying to collect everything and having one thing left and no idea where to look.