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I'm seeing a number of you switching from the $10 tier to the $20 tier to get the game at launch; just to be clear, you do not have to do this.

The game is a reward at launch for people who've pledged $20 cumulatively, meaning, in total, over time.


So if you're already at the $10 level this month, and it's your first pledge, you can just stay at $10 and pledge $10 next month and you'll have it; you don't have to go up to $20!

Additionally, if you've already gotten $20 cumulatively by pledging;

  • $1, 20 times
  • $5, 4 times
  • $10, 2 times
  • $20, 1 time

You don't have to pledge anymore to keep the full game reward!


Just wanted to make that clear for anyone who thought the previous post was saying that you need to be at the $20 tier or something like that to get the full game.



I'm so sorry that you have to go through this swamp of confusion, it sounds like it sucks for pretty much everyone :/


I can't speak for everyone, but I was planning on switching to 20$ because you're awesome and deserve more. ... Then I found out I'm about to have a lot of doctor bills cut into my budget. So, yeah, sticking with 10$.

Shaggy Baggums

I hope you guys don't get too much shit because of Steam being awkward.

Frank Fernandez

I have been backing since 2018 for variable amounts what dose this mean for me?