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EDIT: As a reminder, if you pledged $5 or more in July, June, or May, you'll be getting this demo and the demo in 2 weeks even if you never pledge again. 

(If you've stopped pledging by the 1st, check your Patreon inbox for the demo link when it's out; we'll make an announcement here about it too!)


After a lot of deliberation, we've decided to release the demo as we had originally planned tonight, late at night during the 31st (Friday)...

...but it'll only be a portion of what we'd originally wanted to get done for this demo.

We still want to get you everything we had planned though, so we'll be releasing *another* demo on the 14th/15th of August for the Ice Level with the remaining content in.


The Ice level was partially done on an old version of the engine for the game, so reworking it for the current engine was a chore to say the least.

Add on top of that reworking the mechanics and AI for two enemies in the level, as well as adding in new mechanics like the snowball and the lasers, plus lots of other global things like the new powerup boxes and a different lighting system, and you can see why we're behind where we wanted to be.

It's not just programming either; I want to make these maps really stand out and be able to compete with the electric level, and I can't do that if I rush them all in within the 1 week so far I've had to be able to make maps for the Ice Level.


So, this demo will have;

  • 10 or so brand new maps
  • Some new sound effects
  • The new Snowball, Totem Archive Cannon, and Laser Door mechanics
  • The new AI and mechanics for the Elder Celodst and Shield Celodst
  • All the fixes needed for it to operate on the current engine
  • Two new sex cutscene animations (One with Faye, one with Talia)
  • (potentially) Game Over CGs for three of the enemies

And the demo in 2 weeks, ideally, will have;

  • 30 or so total maps
  • All new sound effects in
  • Proper script for the sex cutscenes
  • Voiceover for the Boss Game Over scene
  • Game Over CGs for the remaining enemy and the Boss
  • Phase 1 and Phase 3 reworked entirely for the Boss fight
  • Reworked script for the game over for the Boss Game Over scene 
  • Databanks for the entire level (potentially including Gold Databanks)
  • Whatever else we can fit in extra
  • New projectile/attack for Shield Celodst, Elder Celodst, and Ice Grunt


We hope this is ok with all of you; after this, the Fire Demo will get its new version come the end of September ideally.



A rushed game is bad forever, but a delayed game is eventually good. Take your time.

Denial Leon

As true as that may be, sometimes setting goals which you try to teach in a timely manner isn't a bad idea either. There are plenty of games that suffer from feature creep due to no time constrains.