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So Cheshire is having internet problems due to his landlord not being up on things, but the internet should be fixed by Monday or Tuesday or so. We'll be able to get the November demo out then, again, I apologize for delays :(

We still plan to put out the December demo on time, and I'll be sending out emails finally to all the $5 Patrons for November for their rewards.

The holidays are basically really busy times for me (thanksgiving, christmas, new years) so there'll be slight delays here and there, but things should be clear running after that. Again though, extremely sorry for all this :(



No worries. I believe the old guy in Toy Story 2 said it best: "You can't rush art". Right?


Not really angry about the delay or anything... But did Cheshire look for the absolute worst possible place to live on the planet and move in there? Seems like every single week "Cheshire has problems A - Z and progress is slowed." Sure, thats life, but bloody hell man...


Actually, yeah, he lives in a REALLY harsh country when it comes to crime, weather, quality of electronics, etc. That said, Cheshire hasn't had any problems in quite a while now (months, really), and 90% of the problems he's had prior to this all stemmed from one of three things; 1) Originally homeless, which led to 2) A lot of health problems, like heart disease and passing out and etc., and then you've got 3) He lives in a fairly harsh and rough area of the world, which is even harsher to programmers as tech-savvy people are basically not taken seriously, which made it hard for him to find a place to live/get credibility established for things like transportation, utilities, etc. But yeah, now all three of those are pretty squared away; he's got money to go to the doctor regularly, he's got a solid place to live, and his landlord is GENERALLY on point, but unfortunately this week his landlord goofed and hasn't fixed his internet yet. He'd normally go to his friends to upload the game, but his friend is off dealing with family issues and will be back on Monday or so.


To also be clear too, as an addenum, OVERALL progress has never slowed once on this project since it started; even during the period of time Cheshire was really incapacitated with heart problems, Triangulate was still making progress with art, I was making progress with writing, etc. so even now, Triangulate has just finished the hentai animations for the tall alien and the Ice Grunt both, so on etc.


We know you're always at work on the project (when able to) but real world stuff comes first so always try to keep yourselves paced since none of us want to see you guys rush something and not put something out that's to the best of your abilities. Take all the time you need, we're all patient I would say.


I gotta say, I know you explained progress hasn't truly slowed but any time we get a couple days delay it seems like poor Chesh is having some terrible issue and I really think someone needs to give this man a hug, or SOMETHING. I mean he has what sounds to be the world's worst landlord/s then cause he lost his home he got super sick and apparently he lives in a really shitty country to be a techy guy... I feel so sorry for this man and yet his dilemmas make me suddenly realize how small my problems all are... I hope everything gets a lot better for Chesh soon!


any day on your mind to start send out the demos?


Hmm... why i can't see some HentaiWriter's posts? I'm new on patreon, so i don't know this system very much. Maybe all those posts are blank? oO


You should be able to see just about everything except for a few posts that are for the $20 level and up, which is basically just me alerting them that I've sent out their rewards :P