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Just a small update on a few things;

  • Over on Discord at https://discord.gg/puXrfSm, we've posted the third of the Fire Level game over CGs; you'll have to scroll up a bit to see it in the #announcements channel, but it's there!
  • We're almost done with the new trailer for Steam; as a reminder, wishlisting it helps us immensely, so please do wishlist us if you want to help the game succeed on final release!  https://store.steampowered.com/app/1238920/Future_Fragments/ 
  • Fuyarinpa has been continuing to pump out music for the game, although unfortunately the most recent few tracks I can't post here because they're major spoilers for a really neat feature/surprise we've got planned for the game; you'll have to wait for the final game to see what we're talking about there!
  • We've been hard at work on the Ice Level, namely bringing the level up to par with the Electric Level in terms of level mechanics, improved/reworked enemy attacks, environmental hazards, new and multiple tilesets/backgrounds etc., so look forward to that.
  • We'll soon have a poll regarding the regional prices for Steam; we want the game to be affordable to everyone, so we'll be depending on you all to let us know if Steam's default price is acceptable, or too expensive for your given region.
  • Speaking of regional stuff for Steam, the store page has now been translated into 28 out of 29 languages that Steam accepts, thanks to the efforts of users on the Discord channel; the remaining language is Vietnamese.
  • On that note, if any of you speak Vietnamese, please let us know! You'll get a copy of Future Fragments at launch AND Faye's game once it's out too (and if you don't know about Faye's game which we'll be doing after Future Fragments, go read this; https://pastebin.com/LGeMsN7z ), plus a special mention in the credits and a copy of Magic Matchup if you want it, too.

That's all for now; we'll have more updates on things soon.

And as always, thank you all so much for making this game a reality, and stay safe out there; 2020 has been a crazy year so far, to say the least.


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