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Yep, that's a Steam Application, and yep, it's for Future Fragments!

We're still working on the demo for tonight, but admittedly, due to the time we spent talking things out with Steam and doing the application over the last week, setting it up, doing the new trailer for the game you can see on the front page of the Patreon (or that you can view at  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_lxU5Y0WXM which was required for submission to Steam), there is a possibility the demo might come out late into the 8th instead of on the 7th (today).

We do apologize if that ends up being the case, but we do have something special planned for this demo and subsequent demos to make up for it hopefully.

If you're a fan of the animation gallery function...

We'll be sure to keep you updated on the Steam application status too!






The title art at the end of the trailer was awesome. That's the same artist that does the CGs, right?


not gonna lie, the trailer actually taught me i could use the powers in alot more different ways then i could before. didnt know the fire charge made you invulnerable for its duration ;3


We only have one artist for the entire game, and that's TriangulatePixels :D he did every piece of art you see in the game from the sprites to the CGs to the animations to the backgrounds!


Yep, and the electrical jump makes you invulnerable for its duration too (once you lift off the ground). The charge shots also have no startup or cooldown time if done in the air, so you can use that to your advantage too!


Having a piece of art like that as a transition piece would kick ass. Like, for instance, after finishing the fire level, having a still of Talia escaping the lava with a fragment while kind of showing off her "assets" in a non-xxx way would both work as a reward for defeating the boss and character development opportunity. Not saying you don't have enough on your plate as is, but having (not necessarily H) event stills would be a nice addition for sure, especially with the great colour palette Triangulate uses in his art.