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Hey, just letting you all know we're still working on stuff!

Cheshire has the bug fixed and is just adding in the final SFX and cutscene stuff for the upgraded demo, and then he'll move onto implementing some enemies in the Ice Level for this month's end-of-month demo of the Ice Level (that was way too wordy, lol), before he starts porting the game to C++.

On Triangulate's end, he's already got two enemies's basic model drawn out, with the idle animation for one of them done, and we're planning out the attacks for three of the enemies so far; they definitely look interesting!

Overall for this next level, we're wanting to up the challenge a bit while still keeping things fair and fun, so the enemies in this level will have more ways to attack you that you'll have to counter using your skills, so forth, and they'll also have stronger defenses so you can't just wipe them out in a huge burst.

For example, one of the enemies will have a shield that will take a charged shot to break down their shield before they can be damaged; another will have wall jumping abilities to avoid your shots as well as drop down on you and do damage (and that's only two of the enemies, we're working on utility stuff for the others).

But don't worry; not only will you have the Fire Dash in this level, taken from the previous level's boss (an ability that allows you to charge ahead while doing damage, both on the ground and in the air for huge jumps), but we're also planning on implementing crouching shots, too.

There's also some stuff we're thinking about modifying regarding the charged shots (to make them more varied as well as less broken/strong), but we're still working stuff out with that.

I'll also be sending out Patreon rewards within the next week too!

Thanks again for all your support, means the world to us, seriously!



>Wall-jumping enemies Thank goodness we're getting a crouch attack. I'm really looking forward to seeing what you guys cook up.


You should think about adding neat secret stuff that you can only find after fighting through tough puzzles Metroidvania style. Eg; Double jump boots or slightly higher jump boots, armor, health tanks. Might be too much work or exploitative I don't know what you guys have planned, just a suggestion.


Yeah, unfortunately this would require a total game rework to have upgrades like that (stackable ones and statistical upgrades). For the sequel, this is a possibility, but for this game, you'll be getting upgrades in the form of utility-based special attacks after each boss (after the fire boss for example, you get a mid air dash, ice boss gives you a freeze shot to turn enemies into platforms temporarily, electric boss gives a double jump, etc.) We also would rather have a lot of the exploration based stuff for this game based around the gimmicks in each level (like the fire level's vents, or the stuff we have planned for the ice level etc.) The secret stuff to find in the game IS in there though; it's the Fragments that Talia has to find to get the true ending, and then the databanks themselves have tons of backstory/secret stuff in them, and the cutscenes will be that way somewhat too :P


So It's like more of a Megaman upgrades style. That's pretty good as it is.


Yeah, this game is essentially; - Megaman gameplay - Super Metroid aesthetics - Dark Souls backstory system (find out backstory through items) - Ghouls n Ghosts difficulty


Sounds good! Can't wait :D


Ghouls n Ghost difficulty????? OMG cant wait for that PLZ tell me the up demo is coming this week PLZ~~~~


Metroid Prime backstory? scanning for story is similar I think.