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So over the past two or three days basically Cheshire went AWOL for a bit, and this happens from time to time as the internet in his area isn't the greatest, we didn't think a lot of it because we're kinda used to this, and Triangulate and I were just working on our own parts of Future Fragments as well. Cheshire got back ahold of us today, and uh, I gotta say, Cheshire has to be the only person I know that's less lucky than I am, this reads like something out of Charlie Brown's handbook; In the past three days, apparently, Cheshire HAD been living with his friend while he searched for apartments, and was working on the game of course, but out of nowhere, his friend's mom kicks him out of the place claiming that "since he has money now he doesn't need to stay there". As this happened, his friend also told all of Cheshire's friends that Cheshire was now rolling in cash (he lives in Poland, so the conversion of USA $$$ to ZL is like a 1 to 3 ratio I believe, but he's definitely not rich). This caused all of Cheshire's friends to begin blowing up his phone, almost stalking him for money, thinking he was ultra rich, to the point he had to shut off his phone to get any sort of peace at all. Now, the problem here is that Cheshire was going to upload the latest build, which was a major jump from the latest one, and would have essentially been the final build as far as level design goes (i.e. he's going to add more stuff, but it won't affect the actual DESIGN of the levels, so I could pound away at the maps). This upload didn't complete, likely due to poor internet connection or whatever else, but Cheshire had no idea this was the case. So Cheshire saw no problem with turning off his phone, from his perspective, as he would be unable to do anything until he found an apartment anyways, and he figured (rightfully) in the meantime that Triangulate and I could keep doing our parts and so forth until he found one. Today I got ahold of him and things apparently have gotten even worse; the place he's "living in" right now has literally no internet connection and only electricity, so he's talking to me through his cell phone, and it's basically an abandoned shack that his friend's family owns but hasn't been kept up in ages, in the middle of who knows where, with rats and mold and animal shit all over the place, without a front door and without an actual bed or anything else like that. Despite this, he's still of course trying to find places to rent, despite having not slept more than 2 or so hours a day for the past few days, and after finally getting ahold of an agent to find him a place to rent... ...the agent gets in a car accident on the way to the first place. Cheshire and the agent are okay, but now the agent's without transportation, meaning he can't even go to the places to rent, so he's got to hike miles back to his "place" until tomorrow when the agent can hopefully do something to find him more places, but we're unsure. ========================== HERE'S HOW YOU CAN HELP THOUGH: If you know of anyone in Poland that is currently renting out an apartment for 1000 ZL a month or less (as he's got to pay the down payment to get it of course, which is usually a month in advance on top of that), or hell, if YOU have an open spot in your own apartment complex or even your own apartment itself, let us know. We mainly need someone to vouch for Cheshire's ability to keep rent going because he's a programmer, and when he goes to most apartments, they kind of roll their eyes at this in disbelief as he's not with an actual brick and mortar company with paystubs, so yeah, having someone to vouch for him is realllly important. Cheshire is a legit guy, he's not an asshole, he's just came upon ridiculously bad luck. So if you can help at all, please email me at hentaiwriter@gmail.com with more info, again, ANY info helps. ========================== IN THE MEANTIME: Triangulate is still animating the Mage B scene and such for the demo, and I'm doing the levels on paper/ms paint, as well as writing the lore and emaiing Patrons, so we're still absolutely making progress on the demo while Cheshire finds a place. I realize this may dissuade some of you, but I wanted to be totally open/honest and so forth so you know what's going on, and of course, in the hopes that someone who lives in Poland might be able to help. Cheshire will eventually find a place to stay, of course, but if someone can help out, then this would obviously be a sooner rather than a later thing, of course. Thanks again for understanding and being patient with us during all this trouble, we realize this sounds like something out of a movie, but it really is going on, believe it or not, haha.



I've heard crazier stories that were also true, so don't worry. You guys should just pay to move him in with you :D Jokes aside, is there any way to help out as a non-Poland native?


If he can make his way to Washington USA, he can totally board with me. Weed is legal, and the women are hot if he needs motivation haha.


I'm not sure, unless you know an apartment where you can vouch for him for :P Unfortunately, getting a green card for someone in Poland is ridiculously difficult AFAIK because Poland is one of those "bad shit happens there a lot" countries, blah


I wish! Unfortunately, getting a green card for someone in Poland is ridiculously difficult AFAIK because Poland is one of those "bad shit happens there a lot" countries, blah

Minamoto Terumi

I take back what I said about Cheshire being lucky that things weren't worse, he's incredibly unlucky and things are worse. I really really hope he finds some stability soon, not because it's delaying the project but because this must be an enormous amount of stress to deal with.


Yeah, he's actually sleeping on a bench right now as we speak, in the middle of the park :X he had to walk from the car wreck back home, and didn't make it before getting too tired, so he's just sleeping there before continuing the trek home.


Damn how did his friends knew about this "rich" incident in the first place? I'm sorry not helping so much (not living in Poland)...


His friend that he was living with for a few days basically told everyone this, not knowing his friends would react with a lotta greed lol


"Friends," eh? Yeah, seems like Poland gets the short end of the stick quite a bit as far as green card discrimination goes. Wish there was a non-life consuming way to get him here legally...


Left you a (hopefully) helpful email HentaiWriter. In short - has anyone checked craigslist-Poland? There is also a site called rentflatpoland.com that looks like it has a few viable options. I included a few links to available rentals on both sites in the email. Maybe one of them will pan-out?