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Holy crap, we're at $5,000 (for now!) Seriously, we're just blown away by both the patience AND generosity of all of you having pledged to make this game a reality; I know this sounds like some sort of pre-written shit, but seriously, it really, really does mean a lot. I've added another goal right above this one to clarify a few things, so yeah, god damn, I'm just blown away by this. We're all still working on the demo as fast as we can while still allowing ourselves room to stay healthy, of course :)



It was totally all me. I claim all the credit. Joking aside, congradulations!


Now make the spin off game with the sexy redhead.... and let us have just as much fun ignoring the keyboard in a room full of enemies.


Now that Mage B is officially official, any chance we can have some involvement in her name? Suggestion box? Poll? Grats on the 5k though!


Oh, we definitely intend to make it after this game; in fact, it'll have the other half of the storyline not shown in Future Fragments :P


For sure, we intend to do a poll, but first we gotta figure out some actual possible names for you all to vote on :P I suggested quite a few but Cheshire/Triangulate weren't having them, so we've gotta figure out some here soon!


Gratz bros! Now, make that game :P Seriously though you are doing great against the odds ( poor Cheshire :s ), keep it up and keep enjoying yourselves doing it! :)


This screams for: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKKHSAE1gIs" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKKHSAE1gIs</a>


Oh, man--I'm so happy for you guys! Congratulations! I always hoped you'd reach this far!