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Okay, so this update's gonna be a bit different from usual. Essentially, Triangulate has all the art done for the upgraded demo save for a new background and a few other odds and ends. And on my end, I haven't really gotten any work done besides the odds and ends of some things. If you're wondering why that is, let me lead into what (unfortunately, although it's no one's fault) delayed us for the past week or so. Cheshire lives (now lived) in an apartment, and his landlord is a bit of a dick, to say the least. He's so much of a dick that when Cheshire accidentally locked himself out of his apartment, something we've all done once or twice, not only did the landlord not have any spare keys, he refused to allow Cheshire to get into his apartment through way of a locksmith. Guess what was in Cheshire's apartment when he got locked out? Yup, his computer. So, for the next week or so, Cheshire had to stay at his friend's house, and effectively couldn't get anything on the game done, which of course means I couldn't really do anything either (as all I have left are the maps and so forth). Cheshire, in this time frame, went to the cops, who confirmed that his landlord apparently was a multiple-times over tax evader/frauder and thus Cheshire made the choice to get the hell out of there the first chance he had. Through a number of more talks with police and a whole host of other stress and messes Cheshire had to go through, he was finally able to get back access to his apartment, get his stuff, and get the hell out of there. He's currently staying at his friends again, while looking for a new apartment as well, but he's making the game his first priority because he knows we've gotta make up for lost time. While he's going to be able to give me a version of the game I can knock out maps on come Monday, he's also programming the rest of the engine in as we speak (working weekends as well as weekdays on the project) and if all goes well, we should be able to finish the upgraded between the 14th and 21st of July, and then from there move onto the Ice Level. Sorry again for these delays; poor Cheshire has been put through some incredibly unlucky events as of the past month or so, but we should finally, finally be all on track, healthy, and ready to knock this thing out ASAP. Thanks so, so much for understanding and your support. :)



Ooph, that's no good at all!! Here's to hoping that everything is well, straightened out, and you guys get to working through a big chunk for the next demo. Good luck! :D

Minamoto Terumi

Yowch, Chesire's lucky that things weren't even worse. From the sounds of things the landlord might've stolen his stuff and sold it off if he'd been inclined to. Don't stress though, there's always unforeseen difficulties in a project. Perhaps it's fortunate that the difficulties with the first project you guys have worked on together are life kicking you in the dick kind of problems and not ones related to mismanagement.


Poor Chesh has been though more then just a month of bad luck... Best wishes man! Demo's ready when it's ready. btw, did the pillow idea get scrapped?


Yeah, as far as everything goes OUTSIDE of these IRL problems, we have literally no problems with the actual game development itself :P


Thanks! :D We're really close, the biggest delay has just been Cheshire being unable to work on the engine this past week or two because of all the IRL problems, but we should be fine now :)


On the bright side of things you guys are almost at your first Milestone Goal


At least there's an update. I understand there is sometimes a typhoon of B.S. hits and the only failures are the ones who sit and complain about it. At least Chesire has the moral courage to make up for lost time, despite it not being his fault. :) Keep up the good work.


That sucks. But don't stress out too much about it. When life kicks you in the balls, you slow down, and there's nothing wrong with that. Make sure Cheshire doesn't work himself to death. I think most of us would rather see things delayed a month than for you to come on in six months and say "The game is basically on indefinite hiatus until we find a programmer to replace Cheshire who was basically like 'I can't take it anymore, fuck future fragments' and fed his laptop to the nearest stray dog."


yeah, we're definitely not complaining, we just wanna apologize to all of you who I know have been supporting us so much, and we REALLY appreciate it!


Poor Cheshire :(


Oh, no it didn't get scrapped, we're just still focusing on the game for right now but we'll come back to it later :)