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So basically, I can't name names, but a very, very large adult works company wants to POSSIBLY give us money specifically to hire other artists to do game over CGs for the game, like the ones you saw in an earlier post by Evulchibi. (In exchange, they'd get a higher dividend of profits and so forth when selling the game on their site on release, among other possible things we could work out) Now, the artists we'd be commissioning would be highly skilled, top tier people, some real big names and so forth, and we'd IDEALLY go for one artist per game over CG, which would be a minimum of 25 CGs (for 25 enemies, etc.) If the company passes up on this arrangement, however, we still want to get game over CGs in the game, so what we'd do then would be to have it as a stretch goal, say if we break something like $8000 or more a month (which would mean that all three people on the team would be taken care of financially and this game would be keeping us afloat financially when split three ways), we'd use the excess money to commission artists to do the game over CGs. If you're wondering why Triangulate isn't just doing them himself, well, we'd rather he work on the game itself, plus this provides an opportunity to give other artists work and get more of the hentai community involved in the game. Let us know what you think of that! Additionally, I'll be sending out Patreon pledger emails and stuff tonight/early tomorrow :)



As long as there's no catch (other than higher profits for the sponsoring companies), it sounds like a good deal. :-0 Personally I always suspect foul play, especially if they're American businesses. No offense to Americans intended, but some of you chase the dollar like it's your God.


To play devil's advocate, Americans are generally money hungry as we are because our government and other similar things ream us hard financially. A lot of other countries get huuuuge breaks on things like health care, taxes in general, cost of food/housing, so forth. To give an example, I live in a tiny studio apartment (we're talking like, one room, less than 600 feet). I almost never eat anything but grocery store food, and I have the lowest tier internet available and cellular plan. I don't buy new clothes and I play pretty much only indie games, so I don't really buy many games. I live alone, as well. My expenses counting food, rent, utilities, and bills, is around $2,200 a month. :X Take into account on top of that that a minimum wage job where I live only makes about 60% of that after taxes, and you can see why some people are nuts about money here, haha.


This sounds like an awesome deal. I'd be lying if I said I didn't imagine what an artist like ReiQ would do with Talia and [insert monster here], or maybe even some other eroticist (pornographer?). I'm all for this, you guys! More stuff for the CG gallery~! ^_^


The 25 artists thing is throwing me way off. I was interested from the get go because of you guys. YOU as in you, Triangulate, and Cheshire. I can't imagine having 25 different artists would feel very consistent once all is said and done. That's basically the reason I lost interest in Roundscape: Adorevia. I would come up to a scene that I thought might be good but then it was from one of the 3 artists I didn't like. Extrapolate that to 25. It's hard enough to please enough people with an H game, no imagine someone being excited for a scene with their favorite enemy, and it's an artist they don't particularly care for. I'd say it's better to have someone like half the animations or CGs that are from the same artist than to like half of the artists. Then think of the 2 - 5 artists that break out because of the game. FF was just a stepping stone, then in the end it's "Who's Triangulate/Hentai Writer/Cheshire?" Especially if he doesn't contribute to the CGs, I'd say the majority of people will take more notice of the CGs than the in game animations. And yeah, a lot of people really dig sprite sex but you get where I'm going with this. There was a good discussion about this on Anon42's thread on ULMF, how CGs can overshadow the game and how if they were done, it should be by the same person (was the majority vote). But now I'm rambling... It's great that you're wheeling and dealing and getting others who can market the project interested in the game, but this sounds like a demo reel for a bunch of artists. I remember a couple people saying in the old thread on ULMF that CGs would be great as a bonus, but were always interested mostly in Triangulate's animations. Having 25 different artists is fine in some instances. Take NinjaKitty. A while back a whole bunch of different artists all did their own renditions of NinjaKitty, except that was already an established character. Talia is barely established. Hell, she didn't even have a name at first and what we have seen of her and what is getting a lot of exposure now, is someone else's work with the character. Let's face it, in order of what people notice in an H game, I feel comfortable in ordering them as 1) The H 2) The Gameplay 3) The Writing and 4) How the game is built. I would say elements of 4 go with 2 but the real heart of what went into the programming largely goes unnoticed, and a lot of people play H game to get their jollies and skip a lot of text, especially if they weren't invested in the story from the start. It looks to me like a lot of people aren't necessarily getting exposure to the game, even with a free demo on the first page. A lot of Patreons have posts that are open to the public and I'm surprised your Affect 3D interview post is listed as Patreons only. A lot more people would check the Patreon before checking Affect3D, I should imagine. The way you have described the direction for this project to take makes it sound like it is less and less your project, the project that you presented in desperation because homelessness was creeping in, and the project that people jumped on because they liked Triangulate's animations, or liked one of Cheshire's games, or were familiar with you because of your Malise and the Machine video which, as I see it on Eromancer's Patreon, was responsible for NINETY FIVE Patrons jumping on board his project. I was surprised when the release of the first FF demo didn't bring the funding up past the stretch goal. Even though this post was all about new directions for FF, I'm still asking myself, "What about Future Fragments?"

Thongtham Chongmesuk

I am quite agree with PhatsM. Especially on the point that each Artist has their own 'style' that largely effect the 'theme' of their art which may not go along with the 'game theme'. Such as Sparrow's 'super stretch' style will not go along with the enemy sprite ( or if the artists have to adopt their art to the game theme, they may lose their style). Honestly, I think many Western artist seem great on CG standalone or story-base CG, but when it come into game CG, I found that their CG is not so matching with the game environment. (Roundscape: Adorevia as example, or Legend of QO. Which the CG and the game seem to came from totally different place in my opinion.)


I thought about the one artist per stage thing, but that was immediately voted down by Triangulate, as he felt it would be too weird to have it structured like that. We definitely intend to have a framework established with the poses, positions, expressions, background, lighting, every single detail pretty much that we'd want them to stick to to match the game's thematic and storyline stuff, etc.


Personally, I'd like to see you break the mold and do in-game CGs that are NOT for game over. Yes, I get that is the standard for these types of games, but the losing to see H is annoying. That said, 25 artists seems like a lot of variety, which from what I've seen, people don't like. Personally, I don't, I like consistency. But, this could just be the vocal minority talking. We'll have to see what the straw poll says.


I would rather have the original artists do this than others. Too many cooks in the kitchen can break immersion.


Well, Triangulate definitely refuses to do the game over CGs so that isn't gonna happen :P it's either other artists or no CGs at all, haha.