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So a long, long time ago, back when we were at about a third of the funding we have now, and when the game was a lot less dense with content and cutscenes and such, we thought the idea of hitting $20,000 would be outright impossible.

At that time, people would ask from time to time about having Talia be able to be fully nude and run around; back then even, to have Triangulate hand-draw new versions of all of the sprites for Talia in the game, all the animations, etc. would have been a hell of an undertaking, which is why we set that goal at $20,000.

(For those who aren't clear about what we're talking about, check on the side of the front page of the Patreon; it lists the "No Clothes Talia Mode" goal. This is something we would have put into the game if we reached $20,000 in funding, and stayed there for a good while; it wasn't something we originally planned to include in the game from the start.)

As time has went on, we've added more and more animations, and realized the full scope of the game, we've been able to keep things under control and we're still generally on target with our vision of the game and how much content we want to put in it.

However, that doesn't hold true for that "nude mode" goal.

Originally, it would have been a complete rework of all the game's cutscenes, events, dialogue, databank reactions, meaning $30,000+ in re-recording voicework, and then thousands upon thousands of frames of animation redrawn and redone, as well as all the endings changed; effectively, it would have been a new game in many aspects.

Back when we first came up with this goal, it was one that we thought manageable with the content we had in the game at that point; now though, even if we stayed at $20,000, the time it would take to do a full fledged nude mode like that would be at least another year of development, if not longer, and that's not counting the high costs of it on top of developing the game as-is.

There's also translation costs too, which would be another $15,000-$30,000 per language, and as we plan to translate the game into at least three different languages (Chinese, Russian, and Japanese, more later if we can afford it), you can see where the costs would pile up fast.

The nude mode goal, if it was reached, was something we would have done after the game was completed, as free DLC; we would have worked on it in our spare time while doing Faye's game.

But that year long estimate up above is if we were focusing on it full time; if we were doing it as a side project, it'd be years before we'd be able to realistically complete that level of a rework. By that point, it's unlikely many people who originally pledged to support the game would be interested in even seeing that mode, as by then they likely would have moved onto other games in general. That time could also be better spent working on new games after Future Fragments, as well.


(For a brief reminder, the reason why doing new costumes for this is much harder than most other games, is because we're not using a skeleton for Talia or any similar systems; that means that we can't just "drape" a skin over Talia like in most other games. The game is animated by literally drawing it frame by frame in Photoshop, so any costume alterations require pixel by pixel animation, frame by frame.)


So the poll below is effectively to see what your reactions would be to possibly removing the Nude Talia goal, and going for something more reasonable financially and time-wise both; if people do majority vote to remove that goal, we would make another poll asking people what kind of goals they'd like to see replace it.



I understand you have a lot on your plate. I don’t want you fellas pushing yourselves too hard :3c


I think a good possible compromise is not redoing the whole game, but maybe adding a secret level where she is nude, and keeping it short or low key with few animations or something.


Add cheats?


I voted on the bottom one, but I think there needs to be clarification: I am pretty indifferent about the total nude mode, I mean, its not simply "nudity" that is the best part here if you get my drift. What I care about is the stability of the team as a whole; if reaching this goal means more polish/more h animations/ more cutscenes/or even more piece of mind for you guys so you can do the best job you can. That is what I am more concerned with. You're making this amount of pledges because it's good content and I dont want feature creep to change the formula


I don't have any strong feelings about Naked Talia Mode. In keeping with its spirit though, it could be neat to have some "extended endings" for some bosses or enemies as a "Hard Mode", without needing to draw all new sprites - maybe "just" a few extra scenes of CG and some voice work. I've mentioned in private already, I'd like to see a hard mode that maybe has Game Overs for the traps (like the milking pods from the Electric Level, maybe~? nudge nudge). This way, I think it could be a nice balance between loss of player control, and you-knew-what-you-signed-up-for. I don't expect you to act on any of my suggestions - I'm just sort of talking aloud in case I might inspire some ideas for the upcoming poll!


As interesting as it'd be to have Talia running around in full slut mode, I think doubling the work load is the wrong way to handle it. I voted for the bottom one because an extra, more slutty Talia seems fun, but could be handled in a far more streamlined way that wouldn't involve redoing every animation/scene...etc.


I thought that was a nice idea, particularly if all dialogs were adapted to it instead of a simple sprite change. However, that is not a requirement for me and Faye's game is more important than a nude-Talia mode. On the other hand, I'm curious about what alternatives you would offer and how much effort you estimate would be needed to deliver.


I wouldn't stop pledging if the Nude Talia goal was taken off the table, but I would definitely lower my pledge amount as pledging as high as I am was for the purpose of helping to reach that goal somewhere down the line.


I donated $50 to the Future Fragments team to help support them in everything they do. If it means getting rid of the $20,000 goal? So be it. Because as great of a goal it would be. I feel as if it would be better at this point to make a new goal ($15,000 possibly) at something more reasonable that can be done within 3-9 months. Maybe you can do a certain goal that with every $10,000 pledged, or X amount pledged, there will be new DLC for Talia’s story. So say we were at $20,000. There could be 2 decent sized DLC’s that are not AS large as a map, but something similar! Another thought: Maybe to make it somewhat more reasonable with Talias story, maybe with every $10k pledged, there can be a new creature/animation/enemy added onto each one of the map. So if there is $10k donated, 1 new enemy per map, $20k donated? 3 enemies total added per map. Let me know your thoughts on this! Thank you! I feel like that no matter what happens you guys will bring something nice to the table and I’m eager to see!


It would be a neat little treat to see some nude scenes of course. Do you remember in the old SNES days when a character would be motionless and they would kinda do there own thing of goofing off. What if you just come up with some cute animations. But you gotta admit, to have a power move of disarming enemies by going naked for like 30 seconds sounds like a alot of fun.


Cheats are already planned actually; both obvious ones and secret ones that we'll tell people over time that change the game in uh, fun ways ;)


Just to be clear, if we got $5,000,000 in pledges tomorrow, the planned amount of polish, content, animations, etc. would not change; we want to make the game we want to make regardless of pledges because we want to make a game we think is quality. Having more money/more pledges just means we don't have to wait months to save up the money to pay for voicework or music or SFX or translations, and it also means we have a safety net in case anything goes wrong in our real lives. (For example, I have almost nothing in my savings right now; all my money goes towards the game after living expenses have been paid.)


It's not like we'd be pushing ourselves too *hard* if we did the nude Talia goal, moreso that it would be that we'd be just working on something for years that could be time/effort put towards a new game altogether, etc.


This is actually something we're heavily considering; I'm going to talk to the guys about it on Sunday, actually.


We definitely plan to have a Hard Mode; if you go back a while, there's a few posts about the "achievements", and the secret Hard Mode maps planned for each level. For the extra CGs, we're kind of doing that with the true endings; some of the true endings will get sex CGs instead of just standard CGs. Unfortunately though, Triangulate is saying a hard no for the traps giving game over CGs, it's been something I know a lot of people have wanted, but it'd swell the game size up a good amount as well as cause a few gameplay issues.


Yeah, something brought up in Discord recently actually could work potentially as a compromise, but it depends heavily on what Triangulate/Frouge are up to do, I'll be talking to them Sunday on a conference call about it and other things.


In terms of alternatives, it'd be something we'd really need to think about; we already have a pretty robust list of things planned for the core game as-is, so I'm not really sure what we'd be able to offer as of right now that could replace it as an "optional" thing, but we'll keep thinking about it!


We do plan to have idle animations where that kind of stuff happens; it's part of the polish we have planned for when we sweep back over the game and get all the levels polished off :D But something like going nude to disarm enemies would be way more in Faye's bag of tricks than Talia, haha.


Honestly, we just want to get this game done as fast as possible without sacrificing quality; while we all have a lot of passion for Future Fragments, and we think it'll be a killer game, there's a LOT of things we've learned during development that we want to implement in Faye's game, as the restraints of Talia's game are preventing us from doing these things in her game. We'd rather deliver a lot of games in a timely manner from here on out and have them be just as much quality as Future Fragments is, but condense them so that we don't spend anywhere near the amount of time we've spent on Future Fragments on said future games. The problem with adding extra enemies to the maps, even at that amount, is that the game is pretty meticulously planned out/crafted; adding even one extra enemy would potentially destabilize a lot of the plot/gameplay balance, as well as having to have game over CGs for them, voicework for the NPC version of them, working them into the extended plot across all five levels, etc. As far as DLC goes though, doing extra maps would be a breeze; I already plan to do free DLC for the game after launch in the way of new maps that would be semi-canon, and then backers can of course create their own maps at the editor tier for people to enjoy (like Jason Bill's maps)!


I'm fine with scrapping the nude mode. Rather you focus on finishing the game instead.


If we do go with the compromise I've got planned, we might get to have the best of both worlds :P

von Boomslang

It's a pity you're not even considering the option of "Talia's nude, nobody notices"


We aren't because that would still be thousands of frames of animation Triangulate would need to redraw. :P


I don't mind getting rid of nude Talia I pledged because the games fun plus I'm interested in seeing what you plan to do wih Faye's game.


Doesn't mean a thing for me. Was a secondary thing from the start so it's existence does not matter...


I think your resources are better spent on dlc and future titles ;)

Fred Damowicz

Honestly, I was never here for that to begin with, and while it would be amusing to play through with that, I always thought it was kinda unreasonable with how you have explained how you make the game. So while I was never expecting this outcome, I always wondered how you were gonna do it. So thank you for being truthful and letting us know, as always! (Also, wow, thanks for giving such detailed responses on these comments)


Understand the difficulty with the artwork, but why would there need to be new voice work and translations? Here's a thought. Why not create a gallery mode in lieu of a nude mode? Someplace where the player has access to all enemies and bosses in the game with the ability to instantly go into the sex actions on contact?


In all honesty, i didnt even know this was a suggested feature. Now while i do want it, it isnt anywhere near a dealbreaker (and in all honesty, i do think it would be better to develop faye's game rather than this addon), but what i will suggest however is does it really need to be this high end? admittingly animations of talia will have to be done, but you could just make all grapple animations default to her defeated animations, and give the excuse while other characters dont see her without clothing as "a trick of technological magic" where for the player she would appear that way but not for the npcs (unless you want the odd line of a few magic users who would see past it to point it out). just a thought ;3


I honestly would love a nude mode, but seeing as how it would take forever, I understand why people want to get rid of it. I think it would be cool if instead you guys made a new level that has Talia nude in it, kinda like a side mission. Of course thats only if it is viable.


Personally Id love to keep the nude mode, however while I cant speak for others as long as you finish the base game first I was not expecting it anytime soon but more as a future add-on. Even with unexpected delays you always deliver quality content so I was happy to wait even a year or more for it, still if you feel it would be more trouble than it's worth Id be happier with just way more NPC interactions to make up for the nude mode


you could do like a bonus level, like with all the different enemies, or just an additional level in general. the nude mode was an interesting idea I was hoping would happen but id be down with something cool to replace it as long as it add more playability.


then again, I've been a supporter since the beginning way back you guys just started the ice level. so I've waited this long, I have no problem waiting a lil' while longer.


I believe that will already be a thing when the game's done, though


Hey. New patron here. and since I only pledged a buck so I could read posts, not sure if even have the right to comment but I'm gonna anyways. the only thing that would bother me at all is that the goal mentioned possible extra scenes....I agree with lux's idea tho for an extra stage....but if you don't hit 20k I guess it doesn't matter....anyways. have a good day!


I've been supporting for a few years and totally understand the amount of time and work that would go into that reward. I like the idea of a bonus stage. Maybe the bonus stage is a nude bonus stage with a few enemies pulled from a few levels with redone dialogue/animations? That way it's not the monstrous undertaking of a full game being redone?


Thanks for the reply, glad to hear it wouldn't upset you then to not have it in, but we might have something special coming for it...


Agreed, but we also don't want to just scrap the goal and have nothing in its place, if we can help it.


Of course, we want to be as transparent as possible with both our methods and our choices; we feel that if you all are spending your hard earned money on us instead of something else, you deserve to be in the know as much as possible (without spoiling the game of course).


The original promise was indeed to have a full blown remake of things, because having only animations would take just about as long as doing everything else (since I'd be doing the storyline things on my end of things, which wouldn't affect how long Triangulate has to do the art etc.) The issue though would just be diverting Triangulate's efforts to do a special mode for a game that would already be released, versus having him go full time on Faye's game, etc. I think if we did it with only H2 animations though people would probably call that a cop-out for that amount of pledges :P it's not a bad idea, though!


I'm up for this, but in a somewhat different way; it mainly depends on what Triangulate/Frouge say when I talk to them later about it.


Thanks a lot for the faith in us, and as far as NPC interactions, oh, you'll definitely be getting those :P


You absolutely have the right to comment (and to join the Discord too!). Yeah, we're still trying to figure out what to do with the goal, haha.


It wouldn't be as big of an undertaking as the Nude Talia mode, but it'd still set us back about 2-3 extra months for the extra art and animations probably. We're still figuring out some sort of compromise though that won't impact development time much, while still getting the spirit of it in there, etc.


I would've loved a nude mode, but it's more reasonable to design a game with such customizations in mind from the ground up, not midway through, so I understand where you come from.


So how long a 5 to 10 minute cutscene take? is is it just as hard to do as gameplay animating?I'm imagining no since you wouldn't have have to bind motions to inputs and yadda yadda but I know nothing of game design


A 5-10 minute cutscene, for me to build in the editor, assuming no new artwork or anything else of that sort, would probably take me 2-3 hours. This is because I have to make all the motion of the characters happen, facial expressions come up for each line of dialogue, the script/dialogue itself, flags/changes in values for your choices/doing the cutscene in general, positioning of the characters, and so on. A 5-10 minute cutscene would probably have around 50-60 actions to put in and about 50-100 lines of dialogue. Then of course I'd need to pick good voice actors for the characters, give them voice direction/write up script notes for them, then cut up the audio they send me into standalone lines/pick the best takes for each line, have our audio guy (Lewd K) equalize the audio and then we put that into the game per each line. Then there's adding in sound effects, music changes, bug testing, and so on; it's a considerable amount of work for even a single cutscene without any new art or anything like that. New art would mean a lot of extra programming to get the sprite in accurately and frames working correctly, as well as of course the hours/days of work for new animations; 5-10 minutes of animation straight would take months. (For the record, we have roughly 1 hour of animation in the game currently, and that's taken years; remember, Triangulate is the only artist on the game.)