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It's out! If you want to know what's changed, definitely read the Changelog at the start of the demo, and if you want to know what's coming up, then check out the screen after that.

And here's the demo link:

If you've got any questions or comments about the demo, please do leave them in this post!

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So you got to watch 1 loop of animation with 4 enemies and then forced to starting room? Not really friendly. Cuz running thru all the rooms is a hussle. maybe i didnt get something? cuz easy mode should get you to beginning of the room you in? right?


Yeah, as these are throwaway maps (not going to be in the final version) that was our bad on our part, sorry about that. Easy mode though is getting changed so that you don't respawn at the beginning of a room, and still go back to the save pad; you'll still have lower life on enemies/higher health on talia, and talia doing more damage/enemies doing less damage, though.


eh... and it my birthday in a week. guess no presents then T_T Is there hope for BOSS in next update?


How do you navigate out of room M3? I'm stuck there


there is switch in spirit world in upper left corner( u cant see it behind talia portrait, only if u come closer) that opens/closes first/third gorizontal "door" so u turn it to have first open go to spirit world shoot it and go right back before it switch then go to second portal go to spirit, your shot hit swtch, go back and you drop down. i hope you understood me :)


Oh boy, gotta say that final animation was worth it


do you have to fire dash to make it before it closes? i can't seem to get there in time


Fire and as soon as you can enter the portal. It’s a bit wonky but youcan make it


thats what ive been doing ahhh :') ill just keep trying the window is so small :(


I can't seem to make it either. Been trying for a few minutes now...


Took a lot of tries but it's doable. Tha animations that await are really good : )


Great demo! I want to ask if getting grabbed by all four will be an automatic game-over, but I suppose that sort of thing is best left for a surprise! I would point out that there are a lot of areas where you can trap yourself with no escape besides exiting to the title menu. I know these are temporary maps - but something to keep in mind for the final bits. Lastly, there are even a few spots where the shifting terrain and teleporting between dimensions can insta-kill Talia. The "pit" with the three eye-blobs, if you toggle both switches to "up" and then ride the "elevator" back top, upon shifting dimensions, Talia is killed by (I presume) phasing into the middle of a terrain block. Hopefully it's an easy bug to squish!


We likely won't have the boss in the next update; we still need to do a lot of planning and building of his stuff, we'll likely be dedicating a month or two to it (similar to how the Vie Fight took 2 months), while Frouge is adding in new stuff to previous levels. For next month, we'll be focusing almost solely on getting the tileset fixed, the final attacks for enemies, new backgrounds, and a lot of fixes on the transforming terrain mechanic, among other things (might start on game over CGs and adding in lots of sound effects/extra music etc.)


You don't, your projectile is frozen in the purple tile world :) we'll have more obvious visuals/SFX for this in later builds!


We're going to improve this so that you can go into the portal immediately at any time, even while firing a shot, so it should feel a lot easier/smoother to do this trick :)


Getting grabbed by all four will indeed be an automatic game over, yep; sorry to spoil the surprise, I just didn't want to leave you hanging on that question :P These maps are pretty much throwaway maps as usual for the first few builds for a level, so yeah, there's a lot of issues with that in these maps; luckily, thanks to the feedback from you and others, we've already fixed a lot of the bugs/issues with those kind of things so that stuff should be nonexistent in maps going forward (but as always if people find stuff please let us know, we want this game to be bug-free as possible!) Same for the insta-kill stuff too; we've put in a fix where terrain will either move very slowly for a sort of "time-based" puzzle, or it'll instantly already be moved the minute you hit it in the spirit realm, etc. so that's fixed now too :)

Ray Animus

so wait hold on if you get grabbed by all 4 monsters, a special scene will happened as if its a game over? or is this just a normal h scene


I cant start this demo


I cant seem to get out of room m3 i have no idea how to get out


When you're at the top of the map, go into the portal, then fire a shot off to your left to hit the switch there; as soon as you shoot, and before the switch is hit with your shot, go back out of the portal. If you did it right, your shot will be frozen in time in the other realm. Then you can hit the other switches to drop down to the bottom level, and when you go into the portal at the bottom, the shot will re-activate the switch, allowing you to leave the portal one more time and drop down and leave the map.


is there any way out of M5 or is that just the end?


is there a walkthrough i can watch casue i cant finish the first room -_-