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Over the rest of the month and probably a bit into next month I'll be posting chunks of our responses to the survey results (of the survey posted here a few weeks ago); here's part one of that!


One thing was that a lot of people had a lot of requests for features to be in the game; we wanted to cover in this post everything that we already had plans to add to the game, prior to that survey.

So here's a list of all the features that were requested to be in the game on that survey, that we already had planned to be in the game!

  • Options menu on the title screen
  • Selecting paths on the MegaMap and different visual icons to see what paths you have/haven't beaten and what path you're currently on
  • Maps being foggy on the minimap if you haven't been in them yet
  • A gallery for the full game that will let you see all animations, databanks, cutscenes, CGs, endings etc. as well as listing what scenes you're missing, with a mini-storyline of its own built in
  • Multiple save files
  • Diagonal and upwards/downwards aiming for Talia's shots (through powerups)
  • An "arousal meter" that changes Talia's upper left GUI face/expression as she gets more and more "in the mood" from sex, and this will affect a few cutscenes here and there (more on that in a later post)
  • Zooming in the camera during gameplay
  • Redoing the powerups screen/pickup screen for better clarity
  • Hard mode & expert maps made for challenge released for free after launch
  • A tracker showing what items have been found and what ones are left to be found, as well as icons on the map for them (the latter part is already in)
  • Ability to switch powerups at any time without having to return to the save pad
  • Tutorials before each level that show, don't tell, each of the upcoming level's mechanics
  • A map or two between levels that blend the previous level's environment with the next level's environment (combined with above feature)
  • Debuffs on Talia like slows/health drain/etc. (Featured in the current level, The End!)
  • Making mechanics in the Ice and Fire level more notable to match up with how good the mechanics in the Electric level were
  • Text log for CURRENT cutscenes (not the entire game, that's what the cutscene re-watcher is for)


There's also a few suggestions that were made that we have planned too, but we don't want to say publicly what they are because they're mild spoilers.

If you remember your comment under "features you'd like to see", here's the latter half of those comments from the survey, requesting said features; if you submitted any of these comments, then congrats on predicting some of the stuff we had planned for late game!

  • "i know it wouldnt really make sense to try and implement it that late but it sounds cool nonetheless :p"
  • "In normal games im not a big fan of them but in H-games like Future Fragments I think they are quite fitting."
  • "They are all very mechanically isolated right now, and they work fine, it would just be cool to see some synergy if possible."
  • "obviously for a short period of time, but it could be useful for boss fights?"


More posts about the survey are coming later this week; in the meantime, feel free to hop on over to the Discord at https://discord.gg/puXrfSm :)



Good stuff! Still hoping for a event/cut-scene where she is caught mid "re-materialization" on the save pad. Obviously between her body coming back and her clothes materializing. Either way keep up the great work on this project!


Sounds promising! Keep up your good work!