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BTW, before anyone freaks out that I'm spending a ton of money or something by supporting a ton of artists, as you can see on the sidebar there, I'm actually doing a sort of mutual networking thing with most of them (soon to hopefully be the rest), where we pledge $1 to one another so our Patreons are featured on each other's accounts. Just letting you all know that in full disclosure, take it as sort of a "these are other cool people you should check out!" mutual promotional thing that I'm doing, so it's not really costing money as it gets paid back to me due to the mutual pledge thing. ------------------------------- Now, on a side note, there's this poll; http://strawpoll.me/4465832 We're considering having a Dakimakura, with original, hand drawn art by Triangulate, for a reward tier. We might even change the Dakimakura over time so there would be different ones available every few months or so, if people were REALLY interested. Let us know if you'd be interested in a Dakimakura as a reward tier! (Btw, the prices may seem high, but this is actually average rate for them, as we'd not be turning barely anything profit-wise at the $75 level, in fact. But hey, it's REALLY high quality material fabric!)



Was reading this (and voted btw) and was wondering if you would do what you did a while back, where when someone has pledged enough money they could get the daki? Kinda like you did with the game. Just curious because I would love to get one, but I'm not really in a financial place to change my reward tier just yet. Also, would it be single or double sided?


It would be doublesided, AFAIK, but I'll ask on that. Unfortunately we couldn't do the "pledge enough money and get it" reward as we would basically be operating at a net loss in making them then, which is really unfortunate, but we gotta stay afloat ><


This is really ambitious, and it sounds like an awesome idea~! ... But I'm not too keen on it. It sounds awesome, and it would no doubt bring in a lot of people, but I'm worried that this kind of thing would lead to a lot of complications. I've seen a lot of crowdfunded games go through trouble because they go a little nuts on physical rewards and it ends up biting into their budget.


Well, the dakis would only get made to the amount that people successfully pledged; I.e. if 5 people successfully pledged then we'd put in an order for 5 dakis etc. only after the money cleared


I still havent gotten my email....


Checking your account, it says that you pledged this month (May), and so as it's not the end of the month yet, no money has went through so you wouldn't have gotten an email. :P I send out emails at the end of the month once transactions have went through, etc.


Aaah please make these, I want one!


So... Ive got a question for you HW. (I can call ya that, right?) In any case... Where did you pull out this $75 number for a dakimakura? I live up in Seattle, and we've got a thing called Sakura-Con every year, anime/manga/Japanese convention deal. In the market center they set up, you get a ton of fan artists selling beautiful art and shirts, but you also get vendors flying directly in from Japan selling officially licensed shirts/bags/collectibles... And dakimakuras. Been goin to this for about 10 years now, ever since highschool, with friends, and Ive never seen anybody charge more than $35 - $50 for a dakimakura, depending on popularity/recentness of the character depicted. Keep in mind these are 2x sided, SFW design on the front, NSFW on the back, full size and with a case. and before ya say theyre cheap because of a large company making 'em, theres indie artists that sell them for the same price from time to time, when they have them at all. The only place I could find dakimakuras for as much as you guys want to charge was ebay or other online vendors... If thats how much yall wanna charge then sure thats fine, thats your prerogative, Im just genuinely curious about what made you decide on that high of a dollar amount, because to be honest when I saw it in my email I thought it was a joke and it made me laugh a bit.


The first, and main reason, is that we're not setting the prices for the actual purchase of the Dakimakura; that would be on <a href="http://theheftychest.com/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://theheftychest.com/</a> as they're the one setting the prices. The $75 minimum would mean that after we bought one at $50, we'd have to pay shipping and handling (likely another $10), so we would be making a $15 profit on this after all's said and done. Putting it any lower essentially means Triangulate would be spending time working on artwork for no gain/profit towards the project, and while we're in this to make a game, we're also in this to keep ourselves afloat financially, so spending hours and hours of time for something that would just keep us where we're at financially (or put us in the hole possibly) wouldn't make any sense. So just to clarify before I go through all these reasons, I'm not an employee of theheftychest, nor am I defending them specifically, I'm just giving probable/possible reasons that I'm assuming myself as to why the price is that high. --------- Besides that though, yes, the large companies making Dakimakuras are making them in bulk, as in thousands of them. One trip to Costco shows that this can drop prices by 70% or more on bulk items, easily. --------- The people selling them for cheap that are indie artists are doing one of three things, more than likely; 1) Selling only the case, and not the pillow 2) Selling it with a low quality material 3) Shorting themselves money and selling it at a loss or only coming out even. A quick search on multiple online sites as well shows that the vast majority of those vendors fall into category #1, and a pillow sheet is much, much cheaper to manfacture/make than a specialty pillow size in the West, due to one of the reasons I listed down below (lack of popularity/market for Dakimakuras here). --------- When you're mentioning Sakura-Con, take into account that they're selling them *there*; we have to buy the Dakimakuras from theheftychest, which then ships them to you, so the shipping and handling is counted in that. --------- The stuff on theheftychest is also apparently 7% larger than other Dakimakuras out there, costs more due to this, etc. --------- The big one is that they let you keep the rights to your own artwork/characters. Many places, when you work with them to sell products, demand rights, if not wholly, then at least partially over your characters involved so they can appropriate them to whatever they'd like. In fact, some places demand you ONLY put your stuff on their site, and nowhere else, and they usually sign a deal for years with them, so if someone else comes along with a better deal, or you wanna do anything else with that art or characters, tough luck. This may sound crazy, but in the entertainment industry, this happens ALL the time. Hell, in my SFW career, my creations and everything I make under my SFW moniker is bound to a given few websites. I can't make my SFW content ANYWHERE but these given sites, legally, and this happens all the time in entertainment/creative industries. --------- Also take into account that these are licensed, popular characters on these Dakimakuras, which means most manufacturing places will give them a discount, as they know they'll sell. (The characters on the Dakimakuras are also probably from companies/artists that are in cahoots with the companies sometimes, too.) The place I'm buying these from doesn't know if they'll sell or not as it'll be indie art, hence the high price. --------- Stuff that isn't popular in a given market/country is generally priced higher due to lack of buyers/market for it. Take food, for instance. Obviously things like farmland and so forth come into account, but your average Japanese meal in America will cost two to three times what it would in Japan, for the exact same meal. Conversely, stuff like KFC over there is about double the price it is in America, last time I was there, anyways.


Honestly, I would prefer that you focused on the game instead of a body pillow &gt;.&gt;


You should read this to get a better clarification as to why working on the body pillow wouldn't affect the speed the game comes out; <a href="http://hentaiwriter.tumblr.com/post/118931983104/do-you-have-any-finished-projects-i-see-you" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://hentaiwriter.tumblr.com/post/118931983104/do-you-have-any-finished-projects-i-see-you</a> That said, the tl;dr of that is that there are times where Triangulate can't work on art because he's waiting on Cheshire or myself to get done with certain parts of the game (and we don't have these parts already done because we had to wait on Triangulate or Cheshire or myself etc. to get our parts done for them to progress, so forth), so during that downtime on his end is when he'd work on the dakis.