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Hey, so with over $200 in declined pledge in the last month (and close to that in previous months) on this Patreon, I gotta make sure everyone knows this; If you tried to pay with PayPal, it won't work as PayPal is disabled for NSFW Patreon accounts, so even if you DO try to pledge using it, come the end of the month, Patreon won't let those transactions through, and they’ll come up as declined. Additionally, if you're using a credit card and you’re still getting declined when pledging to Patreon accounts, contact your bank; a lot of banks block transactions from Patreon, as it can come off as "suspicious activity" to them for some reason, I’m assuming due to how they process money, possibly. Make sure you check out both avenues though, as a lot of you wanting your rewards won’t be able to get them due to it declining!


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