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For those who caught the stream, or those who didn't, either way, here's Jason Bill's custom maps!


The maps have a lot of neat stuff in them, and gameplay concepts/mechanics that we can't put in the actual game due to gameplay fairness or plot reasons, but that's the great thing about custom maps; there's no limits, so these custom maps have some pretty unorthodox stuff! :D

To play these in the v0.32 build or higher, you'll need to unzip the file to a folder wherever you like, and then navigate to the "custom maps" option on the title screen of v0.32 or higher.

 NOTE: These maps won't work entirely properly in v0.33 and v0.34, but they will work in v0.32 and v0.35 and higher. 

Then you'll just pick to load the map pack; it might take a minute or two to load on slower computers, but once it's loaded, you just pick to play and that's it!

If you'd like to talk to Jason about his maps, we've got a channel up for people using the editor (which you can get with a one-time pledge at the $50 level, you'll get all updates to the editor even if you never pledge again!) where you can talk about his maps and other people's maps, as well as lots of other things you can discuss about our games on the discord!

https://discord.gg/puXrfSm Just click here to go to the Discord!


Jason Bill

Hey everybody! Glad that the maps are finally out in the wild. If any of you end up giving them a play, I'd love to hear any feedback/thoughts you have about them! Discord is the best place, in the "editor-stuff" (you don't need the editor to view/talk in the editor channel, just in case the wording above looked like it was implying that) chat channel HW mentioned in the post above. If you're not on the discord I'd definitely recommend joining. Feel free to leave any comments about them here as well though if you're not on the discord. I figure I'll check back to the comments here every so often (not long term, but at least for a bit) to see if anybody has anything to say. Enjoy the maps!


Hey guys :) Will the custom maps be included in the full release once the game is done? It would be pretty cool if it shipped with such bonus content :)


We're still thinking about how to do that, but I can promise that good quality custom maps like Jason's will absolutely be accessible once the game's out! Right now it'll likely be a separate download posted on store pages or on our social media, but I'd want to compensate Jason somehow, so that's where the consideration is coming from etc.

Jason Bill

Hey there ChiefTodd! You give the maps a play? :D What'd you think of them? As far as availability goes, I don't know about anything in terms of any official capacity. HW mentioned that topic above, so that could be quite interesting to think about depending on things. But as far as more maps from me, I'll definitely be posting anything I make in the future on the discord/hopefully distributing them in the same manner as this set of maps. (Hopefully having HW post them again if they're good enough.) I'm on a bit of a "hiatus" from mapmaking right now. Waiting for the next editor build to release with more of the earth level stuff. The electric theme isn't really a favorite of mine. (It's not bad mind you, just not really my kinda thing.) The reason this set of maps was electric was basically because it's the only real "fully implemented" level in terms of cutscenes and editor stuff right now. I've got a lot of ideas for the earth level in particular, since that's more my style in terms of content. Really looking forward to getting access to those assets!


Sounds good - I'm looking forward to seeing how things turn out. Imho more content for a good game is always a good thing :) @Jason: I haven't had time to check the maps out yet - but I hope I'll get a chance soon. I'll let you know what I think of them :) Thank you for putting time and effort into creating the maps and releasing them for free :) Much appreciated!

Jason Bill

Awesome! Looking forward to hearing what you think. You're welcome!


So I've finally had some time to check the map out :) I haven't played a version of Future Fragments in several years - so I failed pretty hard during the combat scenes. And I got stuck once because I forgot that you could "fall" through platforms. I'm pretty sure however that most people will have more experience with the core game when playing your maps and they will perform much better than me :p What I really liked about the map: The humor - dialogues and cutscenes are great (also kudos to the core team for making Talia such an expressive character - her expressions are really cute). The gravity switching is quite fun :) And I really liked that there are so many choices (both active via arrow keys or passive e.g by evading the bots) . Also the exploration was really fun since there were a lot of things to discover (interactions, traps, dialog, ...). Small things that might be worth adjusting: For people like me who die a lot the second sequence when the bots drop from the ceiling takes a little long. It's perfectly fine the first time around - but when you die several times during that sequence (I suck, I know :p) then having to wait for them for several seconds is a little annoying. The second thing I find a little weird (but could be due to the fact that I didn't play through everything, only made it to the aphrodisomething trap) is that some sections are visible on the map but don't seem to be reachable. Somehow I was always under the impression that there would be a way to reach those sections (e.g. the elevator) but I'm not sure if there is... If there isn't, that may be a little counter-intuitive for conditioned players like me :p Overall the map seems really fun and well made to me. I'll certainly be playing through it several times when the game releases and I can develop a little more skill ^^ I'm also looking forward to any future maps you might contribute :) Great job :)

Jason Bill

Understandable about the combat difficulty. The game has really come a long way since the earlier demo builds years ago. It's honestly a whole different game at this point. Ah, not realizing you can "fall" through platforms would get you stuck pretty quickly, heh. Like the third room into the maps. Clearly you realized eventually though. Hope you weren't stuck there too long. Glad to hear that you liked the humor and the scenes. Having a lot of scenes and having choices that mattered was a big focus for me when I was designing the maps. I really wanted to test out the cutscene functionalities with the editor. So, with your point about the cutscene where the jumpers drop down, that's actually a really good thing to bring up. So there are a few reasons the scene works like that. It's mostly due to that scene being one of the earlier scenes I made, so it hadn't really been looked at in a while. I've learned a lot from more tinkering with the editor since I made that scene, and some of the more recent features with the last editor build would have opened up easier ways to sorta "streamline" those sorta of setups. Knowing what I do now, if I were to remake that scene it probably wouldn't have the camera pan following as they dropped on repeat attempts. (Much the same way that the current iteration skips the dialogue on repeat attempts, just in case you hadn't noticed that, heh.) That sort of thing is something I'll definitely keep in mind in the future. Ah, you got to the aphrodisiac room. On all but one of the endings, that's the second to last room. So you were right at the end when you stopped. So, the unreachable sections on the map are a pretty interesting topic actually. Some of those are actually there to setup gameplay "features" that aren't normal things for the game. The aphrodisiac room is a great example of this. So, below that room, you'll notice 2 spots on the map. There's that long sideways "U"shaped room, and further down below that is a rectangular room. The rectangular room down at the bottom is actually where Talia gets sent when you lose the sequence. Taking too much time, or getting knocked out results in that scene of Talia getting fucked a bit. That rectangle is the room where that happens. The "U" room though, is much more interesting. That's actually there to set up a timer. (The countdown timer for losing that sequence. Taking too long results in Talia cumming and being too overwhelmed by lust to continue on.) Timers are not a "normal" thing that's actually coded into the game at this point in time. I actually figured out a neat little trick to get that to work. That "U" room is part of the setup to enable that trick, so it needs to be there for that map to function correctly. I can definitely see how that might cause some confusion with the minimap though, heh. Sorry about that! Unfortunately, the minimap can be a tad bit misleading on my maps. (Although sometimes that was by purposefully done to cover things up or to make things look more reasonable.) Thanks for the praise about them overall! Really glad to hear that you're liking them! One thing I WOULD note though. It would probably be better to play them sooner, rather than later if you're intending to play them. The only reason I bring it up is because there's a chance future updates to the game could cause some scenes to play out incorrectly or "break" a little. I'm not super worried about that sort of thing, but like I said, there's a chance. Probably the best actual game build to play them in is v0.32 demo, since I've actually been able to test the maps in that build and determine that everything is working correctly. Up to you of course. If you do end up playing them a bit more, do make sure to tell me which ending you get on your first full playthrough. It'll give you a number (1-8) when you finish.


Thank you for the insight :) I'll definitely give the map another spin some time. Also I'll make sure to keep version 0.32 around for that occasion :) That's a very interesting thing with the U-room! I always find it very interesting what unconventional problem solutions game devs find :) You often really have to think outside the box to come up with things like that ^^ Looking forward to hearing from you on here again ;) Have a nice week!

Jason Bill

Well, I wouldn't call myself a game dev. Mapmaker, or something along those lines, sure. Semantics though, I get the point you were making. It's interesting to hear the insight from the creator, etc... I guess on that note, I'll take a moment to recommend the discord. That's a pretty good place to see that sort of insight. (Not just mine, but my stuff will be the focus of my thought here.) I've had a lot of discussions with people there when they've left me feedback about the maps. (A lot of those discussions getting into my though process/philosophy for designing specific sequences/segments.) Regardless of any of that though, have a good one, and when you get around to playing them more, enjoy!

Jason Bill

Just wanted to post a quick notice here. I would recommend playing these maps SPECIFICALLY in the v0.32 demo build. DON'T play them in the v0.33 or v0.34 demo versions. A small change in those versions is causing some inconsistency with some of the scenes. You can find the link to the v0.32 demo build here... <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/future-fragments-20531536">https://www.patreon.com/posts/future-fragments-20531536</a> Maybe you could update the main post above to have that info, HentaiWriter? ^ I'd appreciate that.

Jason Bill

Update: The issue affecting my maps in v0.33 and v0.34 should be resolved at this point in the games development. Playing my maps should work fine in v0.35 and onwards.