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Holy crap, I nearly missed the Saturday update! Sorry for the delay! Anyways, here's what we got done this week; ------------------- THE LEVEL EDITOR'S DONE! (well, 99% done; still need to add in implementation to add databanks and doors and a few other random things, but that's it!) This means that I can now build entire maps for the game that are fully functional, Talia can run around in them, attack enemies, everything works! And in fact, I've done just that, having built 10 rooms already just today alone (the editor just got finished yesterday), it's really an amazing program that Cheshire's built, and with his approval (I've got Triangulate's already) I'll be showing it off on stream on Picarto sometime this week and building maps live :) ------------------- Triangulate has been hard at work doing a myriad of tiles (over 50 different ones just for the ground/walls/ceilings etc.!) and is continuing to work on that. He's also completed all animations for all enemies for the demo, save for one sex animation for the fourth interact-able enemy in the demo (the boss should be in the first demo, but won't be actually fighting against you) He's also working on environmental graphics, like vents (will be used in later versions of the fire level for the full game for an environmental puzzle/physics play stuff), piping, crates, steel columns for mid-air platforms to jut out of, all that good stuff to make the game come more alive. ------------------- Cheshire, having completed the editor, is now starting the "everything else" work left to finalize the engine, mainly implementing the different AI for the enemies and so forth; Triangulate is also cleaning up a few of the earlier animations he did slightly and so Cheshire is re-implementing those and so forth. ------------------- I'm going to start work on Databank stuff this week, ideally completing it sometime in the middle of the week, as well. ------------------- Finally, we've got a choice of music we'll be implementing into the demo, so we'll be looking at that this week to finalize that also. ------------------- Let us know if you have any questions or comments!



Thank you for posting! I feel that the Project is progressing at a good pace. I can't wait for next demo!


From the sound of it, the team is working full throttle. :D Kampai!


Wow, you guys sure are burning the candle at both ends! Keep up the great work! :D

The Nanomatic

Ah, I need to get you that info ASAP in regards to character AI and such. Aside from that, the level builder sounds like a great idea. Will it just be for you to work on or is it something we can test out? Also, what kind of music did you have in mind?


We're debating having the completed editor be something that only Patrons would get access to as something of an extra bonus, but we gotta see how viable it'd be to integrate that into the game *directly*, so possibly! The music would me mostly ambient stuff, some upbeat, some relaxed, etc.