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So, for those of you who've been around for a while, you'll remember that Triangulate was against lesbian scenes for the duration of development.

However, after much deliberation, he's changed his mind on this, and as such, we'll have at least one lesbian scene in the full game between Talia and either Faye or Vie, we're still deciding (it'll most likely be Faye, though).

Vie will also be getting no less than 3 scenes between the Earth and The End levels, as well!



“Against lesbian scenes”? Lol


So...it'll be angry sex?


April Fool's? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Also, I like how the milk machine betwen Faye and Talia doesn't count

Darth Xelleon

Faye would probably be as creeped out as Talia, unless they were both under the influence of some kind of pheromones or something. Vie might be able to make a deal tho.

Jon P

>_< Can't tell if real... or if sick, twisted April Fool's joke. Lesbian scene would be so cool...


We're not gonna have anyone in the game under the influence of pheromones so more than likely it would be them doing bartering or something like that for getting info or to get a Fragment, etc.


Was intended as a reverse April Fools, in that you think it's April Fools, but it's really not! :D


why was he against it?




I don't need them to be too into one another, but maybe in the heat of the moment, when sharing the same kinky fate of some kind (participation in a rebel impreg orgy for example), who knows what could happen ^^


Wow, this sounds really hot and I'm really excited for this. That said, I hope Triangulate isn't feeling too pressed/made to include anything they feel too uncomfortable with. Don't forget to have some fun making your game.

Daddy Warbucks

I'm hoping it's with Vie. Talia x Faye doesn't make a lot of sense to me; whereas, Talia x Vie seems to fit more within the story context. You've done a great job with the writing so far, though, so I'm sure whatever direction you choose will be great.


I like every scene~每个场景都爱~Looking forward to the completion of the game~期待游戏的完成~


Nah, he was the one who suggested it haha, and don't worry, we're having lots of fun making this :D


Vie<3333333333333333333333333 Her playful nature towards dear Talia makes it just right ^^ plus maybe Talia could be worked up, in need of some ''relaxation'' time and willing to let inhibitions slide and Vie just couldn't pass up such a sweet opportunity. Faye has plenty of her own scenes also, Vie is so amazingly designed but has no scenes, so I vote Vie!! Not to act as a bribe or anything, but if Vie is chosen I will drop 20$ on a pledge just out of sheer happiness and gratitude :) Plus if this game still comes out for this December, we get an awesome H game and a new dragonball animated movie in the same general time frame, plus christmas! It's going to be an awesome month<3

Jacob Larson

That sounds stupendous!! I would love to see a scene or scenes with Vie and Talia!! With their interactions that I've seen this far it would be just icing on the cake!!

Jacob Larson

I'd drop another 20 as well! Or perhaps a little more!


To be clear, like it says in the message, Vie is getting three scenes of her own, so she'll definitely have scenes :P


Because it's gaaaaaaaaay. I don't remember, but maybe it's just not his interest (?).


Oh.....oops @@ Sorry I must have been to over excited when I replied xd, that is wonderful to hear though!

Spoiral Harts

Finally~! It's such good news to learn of this. Heck the more the yuri scenes we have in this game, the more my donations will rise <3


I really wouldn't understand why there wouldn't be any lesbian scenes at all in the game. It makes sense.


None of the characters are lesbian or bisexual, and there's no female enemies in the game, so :P


I know its a bit late but the would like to see and animosity scene between Faye and Talia. Maybe like a verbal fight leads to a "hate fuck" escalation.