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https://mega.co.nz/#!gNFQXTrR!lkWPi5r8Q02KGWpCjsIB7RU2yQlT-wR8JSLqOvlWs9k This is an EXTREMELY early alpha demo, missing multiple sound effects, projectiles, and the tilework will be drastically changed as well as the sprites being altered very slightly. This level is also just meant as a debug room; it won’t be in the final game. Be sure to read the readme, btw! We’re on track to have the first full level demo done soon!



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btw, you need to highlight the entire link, just clicking on it won't work !


Fantastic! I like how the grunt's eyes turn to heart-shapes when they're groping her. Maybe the same should apply when they're raping her as well!


hmm, ive been trying to download it but chrome keeps blocking it for security reasons... ill figure out how to let it in, but that should be resolved somehow


when you have chrome's phasing and malware protection on it wont let it download

The Nanomatic

Honestly I am impressed. A swarm of them would be a problem though, as she lacks any sort of legitimate stopping power. What kinds of things will we see as power ups in terms of progression for the player? Also, I kind of don't like the idea of having to lose all of your health for a sex scene to initiate. For instance, when she's being stimulated and climaxes, that should be enough to initiate intercourse. (That could also be a lingering effect, where if she comes into contact with anyone else she'll immediately have sex with them.) Until she recovers completely. I suppose this could be represented by a Lust bar (in Pink!) and if it gets too high, she loses the ability to resist. And while she still has a life bar, she can still fight to get away. Just a few of my thoughts. Also, I made a legitimate link to the entire mega.co.nz link on goo.gl. <a href="http://goo.gl/Lxl0JC" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://goo.gl/Lxl0JC</a>


Chrome pretty much blocks everything nowadays, I tried to download like a new microsoft update and it blocked it, lol


Oh, you won't be facing like 293874293 grunts at once or something lol, enemy density would probably be equal to Super Metroid, i..e enemies that aren't just cannon fodder that die to one hit, but there's only 2 to 3 of them per screen at max. As far as upgrades in terms of progression though, as this is our first game together, we're keeping it simple; There'll be four upgrades, all elemental based, that will grant her (in general) more utility/movement, such as a shot that can freeze enemies and use them as platforms, or an air dash that sets the area around her on fire, etc. The gameplay engine itself at this point is pretty much set in stone though, so we won't be doing stuff like a lust bar etc. unfortunately and same for the knockdown/stun system, we can't really make changes to that at this point :P Plus as explained too, there's reasoning behind the stunned sex animation and knocked down sex animation, why they're different, etc. Still appreciate ideas though, but we just can't really change the main game mechanics at this point, ideas for other stuff though is welcome! :)


should i be hearing sound in this demo?


Is it bug that when you escape her health drops? cuz if you escape when you have last drops of HP she dies and stays transparent, and rape animations became transparent too. Otherwise nice. Keep up the good work.


you should be hearing sound yes, not on every action, but on her attacks, her being hurt, you should be.


It's not a bug that when you escape her health drops; if you escape the sex animation, it drops a tiny amount (as much as being hurt normally if not less), if you let the sex animation finish then you get hurt much more. The transparency thing though IS a bug, so we'll be getting on that ASAP.


just a point for everyone if you have Chrome and it blocks it, you can access your downloads with CTRL+J and you'll have a list off all your recent downloaded files, included the blocked "malicious" file (note it will block every item you download from Mega because reasons) From there you can select "recover malicious file" to receive your downloaded item Hope this helps :)


That's pretty awesome work already, well done. Small question though, are you guys going to include a transition animation between idle to sex for certain enemies?


As of right now, we don't have anything like that planned; once the full game is done, we might possibly do that to polish stuff, but can't promise anything on that at least :)