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Whew, it's been a while since we've had one of these progress updates; we've just been trying to get work done as fast as possible (which you can see me do, at least for maps and cutscenes, over at http://www.picarto.tv/hentaiwriter multiple days a week until release!)

Triangulate is working on the finished tiles for the Earth Level as well as just odds and ends for that level too, the backgrounds, so on. He also finished two of the Gold Databank backgrounds too, so you can expect those in the upcoming demo.

Frouge is pretty much getting bugs fixed left and right, adding in the remaining features, polish, all that sort of stuff.

I'm going completely mad rushing through cutscenes and handing out design information to the voice actors, Lewd K for sound effects and voice acting EQ which he's been doing an amazing job on, and streaming all of it.



This animation is something we've wanted in the game for a very long time; when Talia respawns at the Save Pad, it's using the information last "saved" when she stood on it to regenerate her entirely, exactly as she was at that moment.

The odd thing though is that everyone else in the WORM that's using these Save Pads in daily life can't remember anything past the moment they "saved" themselves, but Talia keeps her memories. I wonder why that is...

We'll have an animation for when Talia "saves" on the Save Pads, as well, too.



So unfortunately, we've got to push things out a bit farther.

At the end of this month, we're still releasing the barebones Earth Level demo, that hasn't changed.

However, due to the amount of content we're getting done as well as people only being human, we're going to aim to release the Public Electric demo on February 18th, and we'll be releasing a pre-demo version (16v2) to everyone here around February 14th just to sort out any bugs, problems, stuff like that that might get found.


Sorry again for the lack of updates; we're just pushing through content 24/7 pretty much, but if you'd like to discuss the game at all, feel free to join us on the Discord at https://discord.gg/eADgu38  

And as always, thanks so much for your support; we're aiming to give you nothing less than the best game we can do!

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine, they're at http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality and http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter.) 






Maybe if a little slower... even if at lower frame rates..


Her earing. That's why she can remember things. Am I right?


Take care of yourselves devs.


Damn. Just noticed the sparkle in the animation and thought it was a secret


Feels like it would be a good place to have a cut-scene where the save pad is a trap and she is caught halfway through transformation by an enemy or two.


if she were caught halfway through transformation, that would be rather bad, as she would be dead then :X


Holy fucking shit, that looks awesome. Triangulate is a b0ss dogg

Jason Bill

Ok, third times the charm. Kept deleting my comment by accident when I went to edit it. Paraphrasing myself from the first time I posted this. I suspect Jeff meant after her body had formed, but before she generated her clothes fully. Thinking about it, could be a nice little Easter egg or rare scene. Either a low chance to happen randomly, or a combination of scenes setting it up so it happens the next time Talia respawns. Have something(s)/someone(s) waiting on the pad for her. Once she fully spawns in they grab her. The clothing melts away because the process was interrupted. Have a Talia sex scene and then afterwards she can get her clothes sorted and be on her way. Little touches like that, that break up the normal flow of gameplay are great imo. Just to give an example of what I mean. Lets say you have a game, where every time you beat a boss, the player character does a little triumphant victory pose. During one of the bosses late in the game, have the boss not actually be defeated. Have it pop up for a surprise attack during the pose and continue the fight, or in the case of a hentai game, surprise the heroine and grab her for a sex scene. Do it later in the game so the player has gotten used to the normal way beating a boss plays out. That way its more of a shock or a special moment when it happens.


Ah, yeah, we'll likely do something like that at some point, it's just not a high priority because of the additional art we'd need for it, and that technically the player could miss the cutscene entirely if they never failed on that stage, etc. The boss stuff we've definitely got planned something like that; it's actually one of the core storyline things. We're just going to be doing it in a different way than what you wrote here, but I think people won't notice it at first what we've done, and only realize what's happened at the moment of it, so to speak. :P


Jason nailed what I was getting at, and glad to hear you guys have something like that planned. Totally understand that it is a low priority, just glad to know my random thought actually has some steam behind it in the future. Keep up the good work!


Lovely!! So lovely!!

