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Hey, here's some gifs of another new enemy for the first level (click the upper right files on this post)! I also wanted to ask you all, do you mind if I post these gifs on places like ULMF, or would you rather I keep them only on Patreon? I'd of course like to post them other places to get publicity out for the game, but if a lot of you would be offended if I were to do so, then I wouldn't do so etc.



The Nanomatic

Looks good. Not sure what I can add. Maybe particle systems and flies? Idk, I'm just brainstorming out the vault. ^^


I personally don't mind if you post them in other places.


You can post that wherever you want. I even encourage you to do so as it would gather even more interest towards your project.


Sure, post 'em. I even encourage you to post first public demo on ulmf and hong to get more ppl here.