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I just realized, this might not be entirely clear (and I'm telling you this in advance because none of you have been charged yet, so yeah); The (OPTIONAL) rewards at each level are something that each person can only get once: meaning, if you stay at the $100 level for 2 months in a row, I'm not going to be able to give you that reward twice (the specific OPTIONAL one for that specific level). The reason behind this is fairly obvious I figure, but just to be clear, it'd mainly be due to our animator/artist; if I let people get that reward every month, this game would never come out and levels would have 10+ enemies, making the amount of balance issues almost impossible :P That said, if you do downgrade/upgrade in tiers, you can of course get OTHER (OPTIONAL) rewards at other tiers provided those aren't capped out, so forth. So at the end of each month, however many people pledged to that tier, I'll reduce the cap (for example, if the cap was 10 people to a tier, and 5 people pledged this month successfully to it, then next month there would only be 5 spots left). I'd like to ask people who want to continue pledging at that level financially to move to a separate tier that I'll setup for that specific amount of money, and I'll try to think of a different reward that won't have a cap for that specific level. Obviously I can't really force people to change tiers, but I'm posting this as warning that staying at that tier, you'd only get the OPTIONAL bonus once. Of course, you'd continue to get game demos, you'd already have the full game if you're at any OPTIONAL level (above $5, that is, besides the 100 people who already got the game at $5), you'd get access to the activity feed, so forth. That said, if anyone has any ideas for alternate rewards for those tier levels ($15 through $300) that wouldn't overwork our animator, let me know, I'd love to consider them and possibly implement them!



The game demo access is from all tiers from $5 and up, and getting the game free is from all tiers $10 and up. All other rewards though are exclusive (if you do the $100 tier, you don't get all the previous rewards that are optional also); this is because the effect would be multiplicative as you went down the list, so if there's 30 people above tier $15 for example, then all those people would have to get the $15 bonus honored as well, which would make for some pretty complex tracking of rewards and time consumed honoring them, etc. That's why, as an offset of this, you only have to pledge once at a single level to get that level's rewards, instead of staying pledged to it indefinitely to get said rewards etc.

The Nanomatic

Ah, yes. I acknowledge. Though I know it's more trouble than it's worth, but a simpler way to allocate tiers would simply require having each tier below it already account for the tier above. Lets say you have 2 top tier, and 4 2nd tier. If you have, say, 30 3rd tier rewards in total, you can allocate 6 of those towards the top tiers, totaling 24 available for tier 3. If you can manage to allocate them independently, then you'd have 36 for tier 3 total. Though I see the fairness in how it's currently set up as well. It gives everyone a chance.