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FrougeDev is adding a LOT of features to the game for the December Public demo!

Triangulate is continuing on Earth Level content and CGs!

I'm finishing off the Electric Level maps and cutscenes!

Fuyarinpa is back on Future Fragments!

Lewd K. is still knocking out SFX for the game!



The above map was a test that I did to stress the new lighting engine to its limits; we wanted to make sure that it wasn't going to lag on anyone's computers.

Amazingly, with over 500 enemies on screen, cannons, electric orbs, and more, the FPS of the game still ran at around 30-50.

Obviously we'd never get anywhere near this amount, so the lighting engine should be fine to run on your computers unless you have an ancient one, and we'll have things in store to deal with that (like turning off shaders outright, or a special option we'll be making in the future that'll disable only the most intensive graphical demands in the game).

If you're curious to see what that map looked like in action, by the way;

The new lighting engine is in at a basic level though, so we should have it completely in by November or December's demo at the absolute latest.



I've posted links about it before, but I've started streaming a few times a week doing level design; please feel free to follow me at http://www.picarto.tv/hentaiwriter if you don't want to miss the streams!

Additionally, I'm going to start linking the Discord channel in every post; Triangulate, Frouge, and myself are all there, and it's a great place to ask questions about the game or get to see previews of things right as we create it. You can join it at https://discord.gg/eADgu38!



The three biggest complaints about the Electric Boss were;

  • Getting back to Phase 3 by having to go through Phase 1 and 2 is annoying/hard (or you have very little life by then)
  • The sex animation boss doesn't seem to have any sense of "progression" like the others
  • There's no "finish/orgasm" animation for the boss either

You'll be happy to know we've fixed all three of these issues!

Now, if you die on Phase 3, when you go back to the boss, you'll be sent immediately to Phase 3 and will be skipping Phases 1 and 2.

For the progression, we've changed the boss up a bit so that you'll need to use each option to unlock subsequent ones, and tied into that progression, you'll need to activate the "finisher" animation for each device before proceeding too (which is a new animation of course).

Then, once you've unlocked everything, you can use the device as you want, with whatever options you want. We'll of course have audio/voice for all this too (again if not this month, definitely in December).



Quite a few of you have joined the Editor tier, and we couldn't be more grateful; as soon as I get my duties done for this month with levels and cutscenes and all that, I'll be working on a massive document that'll detail all the things the cutscene editor can do and how to do them.

It'll be a long read, but it'll serve mainly as a glossary than an outright tutorial, which I figure would be more useful than anything else.

So it might be another week or so, but anyone pledging to that tier or that has pledged to it in the past will definitely be getting their updated cutscene editor this month.


Thanks so much for your support; we're aiming to give you nothing less than the best game we can do!

If you'd like to join in on our Discord, feel free to at https://discord.gg/eADgu38 

The next demo, v025, will be out November 30th, and will have a number of improvements and additions :)

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality and http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter.) 



The Dayum Machine

Ugh, it bugs me to death that I can't afford the editor tier. If possible, would I be able to buy the cutscene and/or level creator at some point as a one time purchase? I know it sounds like I'm trying to cheap out but I just can't afford $50 a month T.T


You likely will be able to, but remember that the editor tier and all other "optional reward" tier rewards are permanent, meaning if you pledge once at that tier you get the reward and updates to it forever even if you never pledge to it again, so you don't have to stay at $50 a month :P that said, we appreciate anything you're supporting us with, for sure!