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FrougeDev is polishing/finishing the Electric Boss as well as an update to the Fire Level Public Demo!

Triangulate is continuing on Earth Level content!

I'm finishing off the Electric Level maps and cutscenes!

Rtil is continuing work on the Electric Level CGs!

Fuyarinpa is back on Future Fragments!

Lewd K. is still knocking out SFX for the game!



If you remember last week's update with the Fragment Piece audio, well, here's the audio that'll play if you enter a room with a Fragment in the Electric Level;


Probably not what you were expecting, was it? :P



The boss is coming along just fine, we're currently incorporating the bullet patterns for the boss as well as it's other mechanics and finishing off the remaining rooms, so yeah, we think this'll be a pretty enjoyable boss!



One of the main problems with the game that we've been trying to rectify is that the Fire Dash allows you to blow through areas easily; to fix this, not only are we making changes to the mana bar system (more on that once we implement it, but it'll still keep things fair), but we're also changing the way the Fire Dash works with this next build.

Functionally, it still makes you dash forward and works the same, but it will no longer damage enemies. You're still invincible when you use it though.

The reason for this change is that you can only regain health by killing enemies, and as the dash allowed you to not only kill enemies but stay invincible while doing so, it was an easy way to stay topped off and have really no threats while navigating around the level.

If the game continues to feel easy where the player can just ignore enemies and proceed through the level, we might change the Fire Dash to ignore projectiles, but not ignore enemies (so you'd take damage trying to dash into an enemy) and the artwork for it would likely be slightly changed as well to reflect this difference in functionality.

Going forward, we'll likely be making the utility abilities "true utility only", in that they can affect enemies or allow you to mitigate them, but it won't damage or kill them in any way, so that the Boss Charge Shots will be solely for damage, giving them more effectiveness as well.



As you can see above, the cinematic intro is complete; it'll be in the Fire Level update (more on that below) and the Electric Level both, as well as all demos going forward!

The only thing left to do for it is for Fuyarinpa to make a synchronized track for it, which he's working on right now, and for voiceovers to be recorded for it as well.

Unfortunately though, due to time constraints and focusing on the monthly demos still, we'll have to delay the Fire Level update to mid-November; getting parallax scrolling and a few other issues working properly has eaten up more time than we expected it to this month, but it should be out then!

The monthly demo will still be out for the Electric Level come October 31st, as usual!


Thanks so much for your support; we're aiming to give you nothing less than the best game we can do!

The next demo, v024, will be out October 31st, and will have a number of improvements and additions :)

(As an extra note too, if you wanted to check out the other two games of mine (especially if you're a yuri or a futa fan, respectively, since we're not doing either of those in this game), they're at http://www.patreon.com/reclaimreality and http://www.patreon.com/hentaiwriter.) 




*cough*typos sorry*cough*


Yeah, we have that fixed in the most recent version, was wondering if anyone would notice it :P

The Dayum Machine

Just wondering, but for the Fire level update, will that include game over CG or no? I didn't see it mentioned so I assume that somethings being done with that in the background (I really ask a lot of questions, don't I? :P) P.S I got a funeral to go to on the 31st so this is gonna be a weird way to cheer myself up XD


why must oct 31st be so far away


I thought you guys would be way closer to the 20,000 mark by now for the nude talia mode and extra story and all that, but if you guys got this far with only the old fire demo available to the public I bet that number will shoot way up when you guy do the update. also the cut scene art looks great and the music is always great.


That's what we're hoping, with that extra money we'd be able to afford even more external assets and such!


I remember playing the old version a couple months ago to see how far you guys have come and the game is so much smoother and everything. plus if the CG (I don't know what CG means but know what it is.) I think your fan base will explode. I've been inactive a while so I probably support more now that I'm back. and I told my friend about this game cause they are way more into hentai stuff then I am. (this is pretty much the only thing on the lines of hentai I like)


Hey FF Team I had a question after playing the factory demo. Will Fey have any H scenes? I never expected such a super alluring character to pop up, and that is saying something with the likes of the cute, punky Talia and the haughty, opportunistic.....oops I forgot her name....Talia's less than cooperative team mate! Happy to be a part of pledging community and looking forward to this game once it is complete!


Yeah, the engine's been totally revamped, and we're definitely working on that CG along with the actual game itself :D we're flattered you guys like this though, always nice to know we're considered quality by people!


Faye will get at least 1 H-scene per level, and once Future Fragments is complete, she's getting her own game with a TON of animations just like how Talia has a lot in Future Fragments! If you like her a lot, by the way, you might like her theme song, too; <a href="https://clyp.it/fent2ixg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://clyp.it/fent2ixg</a>


A light shines in a dark world TwT haha but seriously that is very awesome news! You can definitely count on me to pledge that game as soon as humanly possible&lt;3 I gave her theme a listen, it suits her!


Just a quick question, When is the full game released?


Hey! Just wanted to say that I love this content. However, I wanted to know suggest having a transition for the h-scenes. For instance, if Talia were to be caught with a low amount of life, it would transition from the capture animation to the death animations. Would that be possible to see in a future update of the game?


This is something we might do for polish far down the road, but due to the extra animation required, it's not something we'd be doing anytime soon, sorry!