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As always, we heavily appreciate your feedback! Thanks so much for taking these surveys and supporting Future Fragments :D


Jason Bill

Filled out the survey. Honestly don't feel like i have too much meaningful feedback beyond the multiple choice questions right now. Things seem pretty fine to me in general. Biggest things I'm waiting for now is the cutscene system and the next editor release. Figure I'll definitely have some feedback about those when the time comes. Just some quick props though. I hadn't noticed it until this version; mostly because it was usually blocked by the dialogue boxes, but looking back it seems it was added a couple versions ago. I like how Talia turns around when reading databanks. Just a nice little touch. I'm impressed by how well Triangulate made her ass look with a straight on shot through loose clothing. I actually get a real sense of shape from it. He truly is very talented. Just a random idea i had on the subject of polish and little touches. What if enemies occasionally interacted with animations? Just an example i think would be awesome; when Talia is getting milked by the Malfunctioning Sex Machine, maybe make a small chance that when a grunt is walking past he gives her a quick slap on the ass. I say a small chance too because i think it would be much better if it was a rare occurrence, something that doesn't happen every single time. Would make it that much more special. Kinda surprise the player. I think little stuff like that would be pretty neat. I definitely think there are a lot of other polish things (animation intro/outro sequences are still something i really hope you guys have time to do) that would surely take priority over something like that. Just a thought i had though. Don't expect I'll see that, but i figure I've got nothing to lose from sharing. Maybe I suggest something you hadn't thought of and you like the idea. Would be cool to see if you ended up with extra development time down the line. Anyway though, like what I'm seeing. Keep up the good work.


Just wondering, with the milk trap could you animate the wurm soilders that walk by it while Taila is in the trap start drinking a glass of the milk?


We actually indeed plan for the soldiers to consume the milk (and any other enemy) as all the enemies in the Electric Level run off of milk! (Yes, this is probably the silliest plot point in the game, but you know me, I'll come up with an at least semi-logical way for this to make sense.)


Trust me, I'm waiting for the editor with baited breath too having seen it in action (Frouge has shown me a 90% complete version over Skype calls, so it definitely exists and is nearly done, he's just finishing integrating it into the engine). And yeah, Talia doing that was actually added in around v019 believe it or not, but we never had databanks in a good position for that to be visible (we'll be fixing the Databank window at some point to be smaller due to less text and more visuals/audio). And yeah, he's a god at art, it's really amazing how fast he kicks this stuff out, honestly. I haven't even shown a fifth of the Earth Level stuff he's already completed, it's pretty nuts tbh. That's a pretty cool idea, and one I'll run by the guys, but in all honesty it'd probably be something we'd do more for polish at the end of the game once the core game and its assets were done, etc. We do have some stuff planned for secret endings or events that are exceptionally obscure/rare to come across or have happen that I figure will spread by word of mouth, though, at the very least :D Speaking of the animation intro/outro stuff, one thing we'll be adding in coming months to go along with cutscenes and audio reads of databanks is picture databanks/cutscenes; these will be full screen pictures that Triangulate draws in a super-pixelated style to illustrate the events being described in the databank (or a character talking about a flashback, etc.), so yeah :D


i havnt gotten the demo yet so i cant really answer lol

Jason Bill

I just really hope I'll some day get to see the berserker pick up Talia for it's defeated animation. Would love a shocked expression/audio squeal at the moment of insertion. XD Having an intro for the animations instead of them just starting right away would be such an awesome thing if you could fit them in way down the line. Don't see many games that do that. But i know that would be a polish thing if you did them at all, so not something I'd hold my breath for. I can dream though, hah. Glad you liked the idea. Sounds like you've got some cool stuff planned. The idea of obscure/rare events intrigue me. Can't wait.


I didn't think of it while doing the survey, but also with the terminals you could make some areas (like for the gold ones you mentioned) where you have to kill all the enemies in a small area to progress or active the teminals


just a thought, idk if that'd be to challenging, I remember coding being a pain when I took animation classes

Jonathan Marlow

I think a poll on what the situation with the CG's is in order. I think we would like to know what we are getting with those asap


What do you mean? Rtil is still working on them, but each level gets five base CGs, one for each enemy and the boss and then each of those CGs gets two variations, with voice acting and writing accompanying it. He's been showing me sketches and WIPs, just nothing complete yet as he's been doing double duty between this and Internal Interrogation, as well as his own projects, but he's still set to get the CGs done for the Electric Level by the time we get the final demo done for it around October/November.