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Here it is everyone!

I managed (barely) to release it in 2023 as i said!

100 panels20 pages | it was supposed to be longer but due to lack of time and technical difficulties this chapter is as long as the first one

I really hope that chapter 3 will be released faster but i can't promise this

Effects used: AZShader Preset Pack




Nice to see chapter 2! And welp, between Teto and Luka shrinking their way through the cast, looks like no one will end up this story full sized ^^


İ appreciate your work, i hope part 3 comes soon


danm brony this comic is intense , had my heart racing , and im very sure it effected my dreaming this night while im pretty sure there was some size changing moments in that i sadly cannot remember now , 1 thing that was particularly unique and interesting was a video game like action sequence where i was needing to retry making my way through a series of places , one of those being a large congregation area for a certain mechanical industrial ppl which had a giant open hole in the center made in abys style though like 1/8th that hole's size , it was real deep though , and i know this because i jumped all the way down it (for some reason -.-') , the normal way to access it being the connected area loading doors from a different place which i also used to travel to it at the bottom was a large opperational platform that fit up to the walls , parts of those walls consisted of moving mechanisms and hazzards , under the platform was either lava or some evil mystery goop , and so i had to stay off the platform in the pit's wall corridors as it was twisting to avoid the hazzards , but also needed to get on it in time for when it was rising as the instant death under it also rose i always have several crazy action packed dreams like this per night , but this is the first time i've had a scenario like this it felt super cool to be in O: