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Almost finished rendering an animation so that should be posted and ready next couple days or sooner.

I been having weird stages of finishing animations then not thinking they are good enough to post and then end up leaving the animation to collect webs. I want quality over quantity more or less.

ALSO!!! its spooky season so if you have any halloween skins in mind be sure to let me know. I have Ghouly in mind but if you got any others lmk.



Few pretty girls on Halloween .. maybe Haze (aka Halloween). Well, to be honest, I really want to see Charlotte


I do have plans for charlotte, but for now focusing on the spooky season. Haze seems like a good idea, thanks for the suggestion.


yes Haze will be beautiful. Charlotte, I didn't mean Halloween. I just really want to see her in your performance. Your works are amazingly beautiful😍♥️


How about Sagan? She may not be spooky, but still really cute!


Sagan! thats a good suggestion as well. Wanted to make an animation with her a long time ago.