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new wip y'all~!

things have been pretty hectic but I think I finally have enough to send out another work in progress~!

this is probably going to be one of the last ones before the linework is done~! I predict maybe 1-2 more updates before we start on audio so look forward to that~

things still might be pretty slow since college is still a thing, and I'm dealing with a lot personally right now, but getting to work on this when I can is one of the few things I look forward to now ;w;

thanks for subbing everyone~!

and if you're one of the ones keeping up from kem*** p**** website~

I know, and it's cool ;3 <3

I still love you and I'm glad you like my stuff enough to keep up with the project from there, but do consider subbing one of these days, I'd love to meet you all and hang out with ya over in the discord sometime <3

anywho, see y'all soon!


hf4patreonwip23 - 2/8/2023

Patreon exclusive shhhhh if you're viewing this and you're not a Patreon! CONGRATULATIONS~! please consider supporting me on Patreon at the link below! https://www.patreon.com/HuckleberryBleu because fuck NFTs lmao



It’s coming along nicely by the look of it. Keep up the good work


I would love more hiccups and sound