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I don't normally post these but I figured HEY this is what patreon is for right??

Below is what i have planned for the final few scenes of the animation!

Subject to change as I see fit of course, but here's a peek into where my mind is currently at!

If any of you guys have any suggestions for DIALOGUE**** feel free to throw them down in the comments below!

I hope y'all enjoy! If you like this i might post stuff like this more often! ❤️

The fox swallows down the final bunny making his gut slosh outward loudly

jostling around in his lap until it settles, finally containing all 10 of the massive bunnies.

The fox laid back, drunk off of his massive haul. A feast well won... <3


*h-URP~!* he belches up the cherry that was on the bunny's belly*

"what a (feast? haul? meal?)!" He says as he pats his massive belly

I don't think I've *hIC* EVER been THIS stuffed before~ *hiCCUP*

The fox plaps his belly with both paws

*and gives it a shove, making it bounce and slosh back and forth in his lap* (maybe..... I don't want to animate anymore shit but holy fuck this is tempting...........fuck me sideways.)

after the patting/sloshing a gurgle climbs up his throat, bulging out his cheeks before letting loose an absolutely colossal belch~


ahhhhh that REALLY hit the spot~ I should go to buffets more often.....


(something something "it's like I'm dreaming")

he closes his eyes and begins to drift off to sleep....
but not before he furrows his brow and squints suspiciously

"wait a minute."

the camera zooms out to reveal that he is in a dream bubble, which soon pops and wakes up the fox who is lounging on the couch back home


His cheeks puff out again, and the camera zooms out to reveal his new obese frame, his massive thighs framing a now soft and chunky belly, with his cheeks now significantly chubbier than they were in the buffet. He belches while we get a good look at his newfound fattiness before patting his belly proudly, making it bounce and slosh,

"hehe oh yeah~ *hic* that definitely happened~ (or something along those lines idk) They made me SO HUGE~ -hUrp~"

(Something about being the fattest fox or something) Thanks for a wonderful evening gang~ *sloshes his belly around and hiccups happily~*

Ending screen being a shot from behind the couch, where you can see the fox's belly jutting up over it and making kicking his feet a bit as he's reclined while the TV in the background recounts the "brave vigilante hero who SAVED the day at the Bunny Burrow Buffet last night and stopped a team of organized food thieves from getting away and brought them to justice! (and then idk something about how Police say that they "are totally sure they were apprehended properly" and that they "are safely behind bars, I think")


Ravenous Fox

Oh my god YES! I wanna see that fat fuck soak up how huge he has gotten. &lt;3 so hot!


ABSOLUTELY! I knew it was a good idea to let y'all in on what was in store! I'm glad you're excited x3


A brilliant plan! I love it! So incredible to read your blueprint of wht your plan is! All those his hiccups and burps are going to sound awesome! It is very temping to see you animate *and gives it a shove, making it bounce and slosh back and forth in his lap*


🥵 Sound’s amazing 💦


So does he permanently gains weight after all this?! Cause that sounds amazing! Also, did the police maybe saw what happened on camera and decided to just close/hide the case.


Oh the idea is the police have no idea what happened because they suck at their job so they're just like "uuuuuuhhhhhh yeah this is fine, i guess? I'm sure everything fine lmao"


I vote for "Feast" in your dialogue. It kinda sounds like he had 10 bun meals in total. Could Copper's colossal belch be powerful enough to break nearby glasses?