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Perhaps you're asking yourself... "Who the hell is Elza Walker?"

I suspect most of you know, but ill give a brief history and reason behind her inclusion.

Back in 1997, after the success of Resident Evil 1, capcom began working on a sequel. however midway through production they decided to start over and redesign some of the key aspects of the game. One of these changes was done to one of the main selectable characters named Elza Walker, who in a decision to have her tie into the first game, became Claire Redfield the sister of Chris Redfield from the first game. This scrapped version became known by fans as Resident Evil 1.5. 

So why am i including her? Well, for many resident evil fans, RE1.5 is the resident evil game we never got to play. (although some fans has managed to rebuild most of the game from discovered game data, personally i haven't played this version yet) Even though Elza Walker technically never existed, she is still a big part of resident evils history, though not officially. 

So i have decided to dedicate this entire month, "the month of love" to Elza Walker and the scrapped creatures of Resident Evil 1.5




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