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Hey there, yesterday I said I would be coming with an update regarding me working and studying at the same time, so here it is. 

I've been working a new job for almost two months now but I still have to get some certifications for it which means most of my evenings and weekends are also spent studying which leaves me with very little time for 3DX. Next month I have an exam so I will probably be studying even more. That is why I have decided to pause billing for november since I feel like I won't be able to keep up with making content. This means that you will not get charged for next month but you will still have access to all the old content. I might still make some new content and post it if I do have time, but you won't be charged for any of it next month.

I hope to be able to make more content again in december, but I will let you all know.

As always, thanks for the support!