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This is it. The biggest, most complex story I've ever dropped.  

Back in August I ran a poll for Patrons to decide a concept for a forthcoming audio with an extended duration. Well, I went a bit overboard with the length and complexity of the story, but the winning concept is finally here. This has taken about seven months to create, from developing the initial concept to uploading it. 

Most of the hard work happened over the last month, working long evenings and weekends on an editing process that was as complicated as it was lengthy. I kept this up while also maintaining a consistent schedule for other uploads.

Hopefully this will tide you over for a while, because I need a break. I'm planning to take the next ten days or so off from posting while I'm back in Australia with family.

This has been an overwhelming but really fun project. It's taken up so much of my focus since inception, and I can't believe it's actually here. I hope you enjoy it. 


PS: Some content is shared across M and F versions, mostly in dramatic moments where the sound design was at its most complex but where the dialogue wasn't gendered in any way.

Part ONE: 00:00:00

Part TWO: 00:24:25

Part THREE: 00:48:15

Part FOUR: 01:06:20

Epilogue: 01:32:20



Bruh I don't think I've ever been this invested in an audio. I feel like I'm in a movie! I mean, a horny movie, but still! 😂


Sir, you've done it again

Darth Wenis

PHUCK that was epic!!! 🔥🔥🔥


Loved the work you put into this! Always love daddy play.