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Hey everyone,

This audio is inspired by a script-fill that I did over on Reddit a few months back.

I don't share Reddit script fills on Patreon because they involve the work of another person that was given freely, and it doesn't seem fair to paywall that over here. But they're a fun way to give something to the Reddit community and they also tend to push my boundaries in terms of style and content. So writing this script was a way to explore a narrative with a slightly different vibe than I might be used to (maybe you'll notice and maybe you won't, but it felt that way to me).

Anyway, it's a playful one. Hope you like it!


PS. Just a reminder that I'm not sticking to my usual Tues/Fri posting schedule while I have family staying with me this month. I'm aiming for every five days instead, with additional M4M/M4F works to make up for it. 



Absolutely amazing. The story base, the direct commands, the possessiveness while still being loving. Plus a binaural and countdown audio in the same one?! It must be my birthday. Some of your best slice of life almost content ever. Thanks BF


Is there anyone that hasn't wanted to squish a loved one's face just a little at some point?


Personally I love squishing faces. I love being so close to someone that you lose all boundaries on personal space. I want to smoosh my face directly into someone else's as hard as I can

Shavonne Belford

I loved this the silly playfulness to the dominant and rough