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Happy Friday!

I hope you're all happy & well... I had a six hour tattoo session yesterday getting two new full colour pieces up my leg, so I'm feeling sore but I'm extremely happy with the results.   

Today's audio is the first part in a series that offers a new riff on a concept I've done before. And honestly, the bully characters are always the most fun to play.

After this I'm going to start writing the winning concept from yesterday's poll, which should be complete by the end of the month.

In the meantime, enjoy your weekends and enjoy this new audio! Part TWO will drop on Tuesday 🕺



Lindsay Graff

Submitting my formal request for tattoo pics, please?? New and old, doesn't matter. We'll take 'em all. 💯♥️


I'll share a few soon, I might need to wait until the new ones heal though, they're getting a little rough during the healing process


Did you know many languages use the word pussy as slang for fem genitalia? Emojis do, that's why there is no dog equivalent to 😻🙀😽😸


Cats are sleek, pretty, they've got those lazy, seductive eyes... They have a very femme vibe, I can see why they're good slang for it.