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Hey Baddies! Hope you're all happy & well.

I've got some more works lined up to post soon, but I'll be taking the next week off from posting while I focus on family time for a little while. I'll check in with comments and messages when I can but it might be slightly more infrequent.

Shortly after that I'll be going back to the UK, where I'll be moving into a new painting studio the day after I return. That might require a few extra days away from things here, but hopefully the new studio will help me develop some more efficient practices in my work life. It's been a chaotic few months recently and I could sure use it.

The next work I'll post has dual M4M and M4F versions, and it's got a working title of The Pushy Hot Guy Next Door Won't Leave You Alone. He's probably the most insane character I've ever played, and it was GREAT fun.

In the meantime, this work features mind control themes, so please consider carefully before listening (although I should point out, it's very light on the multilayered editing technique I've used on other hypno audios).

See you again soon!


PS. Here's me at the beach recently, desperately trying to avoid getting sunburnt ☀️



This really is my cup of tea :) Someone had to say it lol ... you MADE me say it ;)

Domina in the Details

Can we please auction off these infamous shorts. Starting bid US$100. And no need to wash them 😏.


Biggie, biggie can’t you see. Some times ur words just hypnotise me💦