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Hey everyone. A while ago I had the idea to create a couple of audios for trans listeners. I spent a long time considering how to approach this. I've known a few trans people but I wouldn't say that I'm intimately familiar with the community, despite my attempts to educate myself.

This is new territory for me, and it's somewhat niche content. I've tried to avoid any detailed descriptions of the listeners anatomy, so the work remains more widely accessible for trans listeners whose bodies and bits might vary. The focus is on affirmation, romance and kindness, while still retaining a sexual element.

Recently, and throughout the last six months in particular, I've watched the level of public conversation about trans people become increasingly hostile. I find it so incredibly disheartening to see, and that's why I decided to press ahead in making these works. It's also why I'm also posting these two full, uncensored versions elsewhere online for free. It might only be a small gesture of kindness to the trans community, but it's still something.

I appreciate that it's not going to be suitable for most subscribers, but I've always been proud to consider inclusiveness to be a key part of the philosophy around my work, and who I am as a person. So these works are going out to those who would appreciate it.


PS. Shout out to the anonymous Patron who helped me along with this. I'll let them announce themselves, if they wish.



Ally L

Not really an audio for me, but I am still so excited to see it!!! Thank you so much for stepping into new territory and making audios like this! It means so much to many people! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️