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... it's been deleted.

For repeated violations of sexual content.

It's hard to argue that my content isn't sexual, but YouTube has reviewed my work on numerous occasions before with the most severe impact being that age-restriction was occasionally applied (these days I apply that myself to almost everything I upload). This led me to believe that my content was within the boundaries, even if it might push the limits.

I've never had a strike for sexual content before, even after 100+ videos being uploaded. So this is pretty frustrating.

Having said that, I'm familiar with how YouTube works, and I'm not surprised. Even the most innocuous accounts can get slapped with deletion for reasons that are never made clear. This is why I never monetized my account - I didn't want to be totally dependent on the whims of YouTube's staff and algorithm. I've always expected them to be unreliable and unhelpful.

The timing isn't great. I'm away on holiday with friends for three nights this weekend and shortly after that, I fly to Australia for five weeks. I've appealed the decision but it might take a while to get a reply from YouTube, and my hopes for account restoration are not high.

What's this going to mean in practical terms? I'll continue to post my work on Patreon here as usual. I was going to create part three of the current series today, but that might have to go on hold until next week, as I now have more pressing concerns. Apart from that, I'm hoping that Patreon subscribers won't see any change to the quality and content of the work I release.

To anyone on the GreatFantasy tier... Well, obviously I can't add your names to YouTube videos if I no longer have my YouTube account. I also can't forcibly change people's tiers or the amount the tiers cost, so if you'd like to adjust yourself to a lower tier, please do so! Once I can get back to creating YT videos as normal, the thank you lists will be restored.    

My second YouTube channel appears to be functional (but please let me know if you find otherwise). I'll probably switch to that, but it might take a week or two before that gets meaningfully underway. Follow it here, if you wish:

This also means that you guys here on Patreon have access to the only archive of my work online. Lucky you! 😄

This is just a blip. I plan to continue doing this work until I sound so ancient that no one could possibly ever get off to the sound of my voice. But for now, I'm gonna go and rethink my strategy. I think I need a beer tonight.


PS. If you're on Twitter and would like to boost this post, it might help. I know that sometimes YouTube pay attention when a fuss is kicked up over there:




What a shitty situation :( I hope you’re okay! We’ll all continue to support you on here ❤️ you’re so so hardworking & talented, so please don’t let this discourage you. All the best


Thanks Holly. It was a shock. l was in bed this morning, reading about how Russia has invaded Ukraine. I was feeling hopelessly depressed about it, then checked my emails to find this! What a start to the day. But I'll be okay. It just requires a strategy adjustment. Frustration turns to productivity fairly quickly, for me.


that's just terrible! I know your channel was spicy, but I never thought you broke the rules. I hope it's restored to you. you deserve it, it's an amazing channel. You're very talented and I will keep on listening, wherever you post. ❤❤❤


Ahw that’s so stupid this happened! Illegitimi non carborundum (don’t let the bastards grind you down). I hope you can let this be for now and still enjoy your vacation with your family! Take care


Its so dumb of them honestly makes me mad, don't let this ruin your vacation have a blast still we ain't going away :)


Thanks Gemmy. We'll see, I'm not getting my hopes up. Honestly, I feel like even my spiciest work on there doesn't compete with some of the other stuff you see... I'd consider a woman in a bikini, on video, doing sexy ASMR and staring into the camera to be more sexually graphic than my content... but whatever. This is why I've never trusted YouTube, I've basically been waiting for this day to come. I just wish the timing was better.


I’m so sorry. Maybe this is a sign from God to tell you to take a downtime as long as you can. Everything will be all right. Don’t worry and set your mind at ease.

Domina in the Details

I would make you nachos to go with that beer. Fuck Russia and YouTube. EDIT: Fuck assholes in power. Nachos Forever ✊


Z, I saw your retweet.... thank you. And I couldn't help but notice the rest of your retweets... I'm in the company of some BIG men 😳😂


Oh dear, that sucks. The only option is to wait at this point. Yeah, ground yourself with your favorite drink (though my bias is Valerian tea, which supposedly helps to calm yourself 😇) Take care

Z (Disgraced Discord Dutchess)

While my fellow patrons are seeing this comment, GO SUBSCRIBE TO HIS BACKUP ACCOUNT NOW! and as a bonus there are 2 already uploaded audios of a different genre that are amazing! GO TO TWITTER AND FOLLOW BF @badfantasy3 … also use the hashtag #bfsbaddies so that we can see each other and start a real community down there❤️❤️❤️


Yeah, I’m browsing rn, will get to it. On another note, I didn’t know accounts like May Morning existed, I think I’m in love 🥰


That's so fucked up. I never expect good things from youtube ever but the fact that you didn't get a strike and your channel was already labeled as age restricted makes me furious. I don't use twitter anymore but I'll log in again to help. Besides subscribing to the backup channel, there is any other thing we can do to help you? I'm so sorry that this happened right before your so well deserved vacations t.t


Thanks Oliver. I don't really think there's much else. If the channel isn't restored by the end of the weekend, I'll look into creating a new one from scratch. It's annoying, but it's not the end of the world.


Ugh YouTube is so annoying 😭 I hope everything works out though! I love your content and what you do


YouTube does the most arbitrary decisions ever. I feel bad you now have to deal with this issue, but you've been quite cautious and it sounds like you've got it under control. 🙌💫💫 Hopefully you can sort this out without too much headache. We'll be here 🤗


Yeah this has been happening to alot if asmr'ist lately on YouTube it's pretty stupid and arbitrary. Another asmr'ist was done the same for the 'Previews' of the longer patreon videos with there not being any of the juicy bits. So yeah it sucks but you'll figure it out I hope. Maybe give the guidelines a reread and give yourself some bulletpoints for editing your YouTube vids. Goodluck 🙂

Agent Paper

I'm not really a Twitter fan, but for BF, I'll give it a try. YouTube and TicTock be hatin on the dumbest shit.🙄

Dee Dee

FAWQ! What a $h!t sandwich to wake up to. I'm so sorry to hear that YT got you in its cross hairs. Don't you worry, I am keeping my pledge tier. I didn't select it for the shout out, I was already at that tier before the shout out became a benefit. I truly believe your content is worth the value of my tier selection. When you first pitched the idea of your secondary channel and announced its launching I immediately subscribed. So if you have to migrate to that one, you already have one BF citizen patiently waiting with a greeting sign cheering you on. Keep the cogs turning in your head about your next strategy, but please don't let this ruin your holiday. Try to stay in the moments of your travel adventures as much as you can. This is not a barrier (I hate that word) but a learning opportunity. You are so brilliant and deserve continued development opportunities to keep your brilliance sharp. If there is anything you need from us aside from amplifying your Twitter message or promoting the other channel, let us know and we will mobilize. 💜 you always. We got your back. 😘


Thanks Keevensi. I'm really lucky to have supporters like you 🙂 I'm already figuring it out. The next steps are coming. By the time I post my next monthly update at the start of March, I think I'll have it worked out.

Katrina Rainsong

Damn, that's frustrating. Just retweeted your post, hopefully making some noise gets them to back off. It's rough here in the US with all the sex-negative moral panic lobbyists pushing shit like the EARN IT act. As a sex educator, I'm on eggshells with everything I post.

Sherry Merrill

I won’t lie because of some things I’ve been through I find some of your content triggering, but I have learned to pay attention to the tags and I just don’t listen to the ones I know I will have issues with. That being said I don’t think this is right. You work hard to put out content for discerning viewers and the fact that they are impinging on that is criminal, especially seeing as how many music videos are worse and more available to young kids than your content is. I have made a Tweet about this. I hope it helps. If it doesn’t I’m sorry. I tried.


That's pretty annoying they didn't have the courtesy to give you a warning strike first. Hopefully some good will come of it though, even if it's bad timing. I found your channel literally in the last couple of weeks, was pussyfooting around the idea of becoming a patreon, but youtube being youtube got me to commit today XD Hopefully I won't be the first, or the last, new patron today, and thank you BadFantasy for all the excellent content I've enjoyed so far!


Crazy how yours gets taken down but there are other channels that are more wild with it on there 🙄


I appreciate having discerning supporters like this, thanks Sherry. And I totally agree. Music videos these days are often like soft porn, it's nuts. I've got an email an hour ago saying they've actually reversed the decision, although the channel still shows as deleted when you go to the URL. I think I'll sleep on it now and check again in the morning, it's been a long day. PS. I saw the tweet, thank you!


Heeey thanks for signing up! They've actually emailed me saying they've reversed the decision, although it doesn't seem to have taken effect yet. Hopefully by tomorrow. Although I'm definitely going to tone down my work on YouTube, and probably delete some stuff. I don't need the stress of a situation like this hanging over me again 😅


I know, but they're notorious for having a wildly inconsistent application of their own rules. I'm annoyed but not taking it personally. I'll just have to rethink my strategy going forward, regardless of how this ends up.

PixiIvy Dust

This so annoying I've seen other asmr user this happen to and some have changed the about page putting in that is 18+ multiple times or changing not for all viewers. I also a couple that moved over to Spotify I know this isn't video but to get your work out to everyone not on patron. Also if you have discord, Twitter and those platforms helps too. You Tube needs to calm down I get that it's for everyone but when artist are just trying to get they art out there whether vocal visual or other (I get not full porn or gore and that stuff) but just a taste of something to see if they want more. That's how I went to your patron I wanted to know what happen and God you voice I could listen all day. (OK off track) anyone I hope some other this ideas help. Also please don't worry about until you take your break. Come back rested and refreshed. ❤💋


Yes, YouTube very often deletes even harmless accounts, this is a fact. I'm sorry that this happened and I hope you can get your account back


There are channels that are WAY worse then yours, it's total B.S that YT is going after ASMR channels. I'm sorry this happened to you fantasy.


I'm so sorry, this really sucks. At least you have your Patreon page. And you have loyal fans, so keep doing what you love and do best. YouTube can go fuck itself 😊✨


It upsets me that this is happening. This is so unfair. But no matter what I staying loyal and by your side. We all are. I grateful for your asmr. I really am.


I stumbled across your YouTube channel and subscribed a week ago. And this morning when I noticed they got your account deleted, I legit shouted with fury 🤬👊🏼💥 Ƒບᑕ𝝹 they can’t do this ﮐዞⅼ𝖳. I joined here a minute ago although I found the payment renews in a few days. I hope you ride this out 🙏🏼 Sending love to you from a tattooist in 🇰🇷🤍💙❤️🖤


So, I've been told the channel is being restored, and they sent an email saying that 'context is important' in your channel and video descriptions, which is interesting. With some flowery language, you can probably get away with a little more. I've always tried to do that, maybe I just need to push it further. Definitely gonna rethink my strategy though... YouTube shouldn't be as central as it is.


Thanks Nora, I really appreciate it. Anyone who signs up in the last week of the month right before rebilling is a true star! 😊 Tattooist?? Cool! What kind of style do you specialise in?


<p style="color: #008600;">It sucks! I don't understand why they do it! Nevertheless, I wish you good luck, have a great and fun time with your friends!</p>


Aw no wonder I couldn't find you, I'm glad I managed to sub to your Patreon before this. But I hope you can get your account back mine also got striked i never got my account back ;-; but I hope you have fun in your trips and be safe my dude