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Hey all. I've got an unhappy update to share - I have Covid. 

In fact, I've had it for about a week. I was one of the unfortunate double-vaxxed people who catches a 'breakthrough case', as they call it. I was totally wiped out for a few days, it felt like the flu. Now it's almost gone, although I till have to self-isolate until the end of the week, as per the rules over here. Most importantly - I feel fine and I'm almost back to being fully healthy!

The only problem is, it still affects my voice. It's like having a cold at this point - I sound somewhat congested. I've written 5 new scripts in the last two days, but I haven't been able to record them yet. So if you've noticed that perhaps I haven't posted as consistently this month as I normally do, that would be why...  Luckily I had a pre-recorded Patreon-Exclusive work that's just been edited, and will be up later today.  

You might also remember that I was almost due to fly to Australia to see my family for Christmas, for the first time in three years. Well, that's not happening now, as I won't be able to produce the negative Covid test result that's required to board the flight and enter the country. So that's the second time since Covid began that a flight home has been cancelled. But I'll re-book for February or March and get there eventually.

This isn't a 'woe is me' post and I'm not out here looking for sympathy, but just wanted to explain why some of the posts lately have been recycled content, and also update for anyone who follows what's said in the monthly updates.

Please don't worry about me, I'll be fine. And by the time my voice is back on track in a day or two, I'll have a hot load of great scripts to record, including the next series: Lessons On Being Cool [Bully x Listener]

Hope you're all happy and healthy, 




Oh my god I am so sorry, I hope you feel better. please, please take your time getting better. We're not gonna go anywhere. I'm more concern for your health. Much love to you and rest up. Love you so much! HUGS!


I hope you feel better very soon, I've been bedridden with just regular flu since last week, and it sucks... hugs and kisses to make you feel better❤❤


you poor darlin! Terribly sorry that you can't get home for the holidays, how devastating ❤ You're such a sweetheart to worry about content; worry about healing up! We'll be fine waiting a bit. Here's to a speedy recovery, darlin!


Thank you! I feel like the time to get better has already been taken, really. The reason I waited a week to post about it is because I just didn't have the energy before. Even texting friends felt like it was too much. I jumped on to comment and post when I had the strength but it was kind of infrequent, but now I'm feeling like my energy is back on track 🙂


Thank you. Not being able to get home truly sucks, but I feel like I've made so many sacrifices for Covid in the last two years, it's just another on the list. Hopefully changing my flights just isn't going to cost a fortune.


Just take this time to recover and relax and focus on yourself. We will be here when you get back. 💜💜💜

Sol Donoso

😖😖😖😭😭😭 mi pequeño!!!... me sentí muy impactada al ver tu noticia 😫😫😫... te podrá parecer extraño, pero sentí como si le hubiese pasado a algún amigo muy cercano, aún cuando sólo te conozco a la distancia. Me reconforta saber que estás mejor y ruego al Universo para que no tengas ninguna secuela 🙏. Te quiero mucho, muchito!!! 🌻🌻🌻


I am sorry that you have caught it. Just take care of yourself. You will be alright. Get blanket and some coffee. You got this, my friend. Spoil yourself and take the time you need. We are here for you. Lots of hugs. @}~~’~~


Sorry to hear about this. Glad you are feeling better already. Hope you're able to fly home soon. xoxo


Sorry to hear that you had to cancel your plans to go back home. Look after yourself; can't wait for the next audio!!!


¡gracias! todos aquí son muy amables y me apoyan, significa mucho para mí 🙂


I feel like you have still posted alot. Looking forward to the next series.


Take all the time you need to get better. COVID is rough, it wiped me out for a few weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed you’ll be able to see your family soon. 🤞 Feel better and be safe!

Renaissance ASMR

Oh no I am sorry and especially for your trip in Australia but rest and recover for now and don't worry about anything else!


Omg 😭 .. I’m sorry for u I just started crying when u said u won’t go to see ur family , and please take ur time to get better we will wait for u ): , please keep us on update about u❤️‍🩹


Hope your feeling better soon. Take it easy drink lots of fluids and rest. Take care of yourself. ❤

L Marine

Dame that sucks. this pandemic should've been handled and over. I hope you get to see your family really soon 🤧💖

Trine Daely

Well at least you can ready plenty of scripts (maybe). Rest well, stay hydrated. Glad you were vaxx'd (I got my booster about a week or two ago) so hopefully no long covid either. Guessing it was going out on Halloween?

Agent Paper

Oh sweetie, I'm soooo sorry. This is what happens when you go slashing tires without me🤭 Take care of yourself! Sending healing hugs and kisses 💋 💋💋🖤

Katrina Rainsong

Oh dear, please take all the time you need to rest. I know its frustrating as an artist when your body is your medium and illness takes you out.


Yup, as bad as it was, it probably would have been much worse without the vaxx. And I'm generally healthy, I run a lot so my heart and lung are strong, and it was still a rough few days. Actually I think it was Friday night of the 5th. Someone who was at the pub with me, who I spent a good couple of hours talking loudly with across a table, tested positive right before I started feeling unwell. That was the reason I got tested so quickly when I noticed something was off.

Eric von Habsburg

Lol a “woe is me post”. Honey you can complain all you want! Getting covid and then not being able to see your family is definitely something to be upset/sad about. I’m really glad that you’re doing well though. I’ve had covid and I had it before most people were aware of it so I do understand! It Is Terribke! I’m really glad you were vaccinated though. It could’ve been much much worse. And I’m sorry you don’t get to go home for the holidays. That’s never fun when it’s not what you want. Sending digital hugs and digital chicken soup. 🍲 #GoodSoup LOLs ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


That's ghastly. This sodding bl***y virus! And your poor parents - I just feel so sorry for them, too. I guess it's going to be another soggy Slade UK Christmas for you! Roll on 2022, or whenever normality returns x


You know you're entitled to gripe every now and then, especially when its legit. I'm glad you're better, and I love your positive attitude. It would take more than slow posting or recycled content to get me to bail on you. I can't wait to hear what you've come up with in your fever dreams, lol.

Agent Paper

BULLY SERIES!!!!!😍😍😍😍💦💦💦💦

PixiIvy Dust

Sending you tons of love. Get better soon and take care of yourself. We will all wait very patience for your sexy smooth voice. Makes me melt everything I hear your work. Speedy recovery cheers

Kelly Chant

Sending lots of love, take care ❤️


So sorry. Especially about your trip plans. Frustrating. Your health comes first and we can wait.


Just be careful with Covid sir! I just got out of the hospital about a month or two ago because mine turned into pneumonia on like day 8 of my quarantine. I hate hearing that about your visit though...but you need to concentrate on your health we can wait until you are completely better

Dee Dee

I'm catching up on your posts. I've caught a bug too and have been out of it since Monday. Now my son also caught the bug. I've had one Rapid test done which came back negative thank goodness. But I'm keeping an eye out for possible lost of taste, smell, etc. Plus appointments made for both my son and I. This morning, my voice sounded like I have been smoking cigarettes nonstop all my life. 😆. Anyway, I hope you get better soon! I'm not mad at revitalized work being posted as a filler. Your earlier work is what drew me to your platform in the first place. 😘 GET WELL SOON! 💐