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Okay yes I know I mispronounced 'yandere', sorry. I even checked how to pronounce it beforehand. I'm just bad at languages. Terrible, actually.  

More importantly, the Dropbox password for this month is 'dracula'.

And please drop your spooky Halloween audio ideas below! Or any Christmas ideas that are better than what I currently have. I'll probably drop a poll mid-month for the spooky audio, and it will be one with a SFW YouTube version and an NSFW Patreon edition.

And most importantly of all - thanks everyone for your continued support, it's incredibly appreciated!





Hope you had fun on vacation. Glad you didn't catch a volcano temper, but that's a story you'll tell for life 😀. So excited for Halloween themed content. Halloween is my favorite holiday


I've always wanted a 'My boyfriends back' kinda role play. (Do you know that zombie movie?) very cute and wholesomeish for a zombie movie 😉 Edit about movie (1993) zombie movie where came back from the dead after saving crush in a prank robbery gone real robbery. And he's only wish it's too take his crush to prom. And finds he must eat people in order not to decay in the meantime. Highjinks insue lol


How about a haunted house at a carnival? Going in it with a friend/paramour and getting lost, then being found and chased by one of the people playing a monster. Love spoopy season, I cant wait to see what you put out!

Domina in the Details

Don't EVER stop mispronouncing anything in any language. ADORBS 🥰. Maybe for Christmas do a work party tie-in with your existing "Stuck working with Office Bully" series (you finally get the sex doll and force your co-worker to scissor/hump/anal three-way to climax 🎁)?? Maybe for your relaxation channel, do something in the vein of THE SNOWMAN (animated short film) 👨‍🎤 🤍??


Congrats on 30k on Youtube 😊 Hope you have a great week.


Maybe instead of "Santa's dick" call it "Krampus' dick"? Krampus is the one, in Germany mostly for catholics, who punishes the naughty children. So it could be more of a punishment type scene.


I don't have any ideas for the actual content, but you could call the Christmas episode "Jingle Balls"... 🎄🎁


I really like the idea of a sub werewolf, maybe something with ghost or some potions (the listeners been the witch and gives the wrong potion for u).


Still waiting on the Uber dominant Djinn, captain panty terminator of the Universe! That would be a good scary one!

Eric von Habsburg

For the record I love listening to you “ramble”. And I cannot express how much I genuinely look forward to the photos you upload with the monthly update. Little glimpses of sexiness. Maybe next month some underwear pics jk jk 😅. I did want to let you know that I had to resubscribe for some bizarre reason. Like I only unsubscribed from one uploader last month and Patreon deleted ALL of my subscriptions which is again bizarre. Not sure if anyone else experiences that. Either way I thought you’d might like to know. At any rate, I really look forward to your next upload. 😊

Z (Disgraced Discord Dutchess)

“with it not having the same sex appeal factor as the main”😭😭😭😭Now why’d you call us dry and horny😭😭😭😭you chose violence today Sir!


Oooo YES!! It’s my favorite time of the year & I love spooky audios 😍 I have a few ideas! Let’s see…how about a lonely listener summons an Incubus on Halloween night for simple company. But the Incubus is hungry for far more than the listener is prepared to offer. Or maybe Listener is Dr Frankenstein’s perfect creation/companion. Listener is overwhelmed & Frankenstein threatens to work/ experiment on them more in order to be “perfect”. Another idea I had (not spooky/holiday themed) is a Yandere Sugar Daddy trying to find his next baby. Listener is used to being able to charm any man into giving that 💳 without any ✨sugar✨. But during their 1st interview together, YSD lets it known listener’s tricks won’t work on him 💁🏼‍♀️ Just some ideas I had floating around 😌

oli doesn’t exist

you know it’s a good update when he starts off with saying “okay yes i know i mispronounced yandere”


Christmas: Real elf on a shelf 😏 Argument followed up with makeup/angry smex. Putting up the Christmas tree is usually when I get into fights with SOs. First time Santa Claus. Like a Tim Allen 'The Santa Clause'. Younger, first night... SFW party+mistletoe= friends to lovers If you are comfortable, you should sing us a couple of carols for a video Halloween: This is a little hard because you were doing a mythical creatures series so that kinda have things covered. Ever heard of the game Beat the Delivery man? Something with trick-or-treaters? I had more ideas but my orginal post didn't go through for some reason. Anyways, I cried a little bit hearing that you will be able to go home for an extended period of time. I am a sensitive person when it comes to seeing loved ones, sorry. 😭


That could be good, I watched that movie Krampus last Christmas and it was pretty fun


This is still planned. Every couple of weeks I think about how to do it really well, but don't seem to get very far with it 😓


Very kind, thanks Eric. And yes Patreon is very much not-user-friendly. Did you get charged again to sign up? I can refund the latest charge, if you did. Not fair that you should get charged twice.


I'll drop the Incubus/Succubus one into the poll, and I like the yandere daddy idea! I've copied that into my list.


That's at least four people on this post saying their comments didn't work! What's going on with this website? I definitely like the idea of a young, hot Santa (maybe Santa's apprentice?) finding that some people are offering more than milk and cookies. And I've copied the Christmas Party Mistletoe idea into my list, very good.


Even with censuring, daddy is looking 🔥😅😂🔥

Request Princess

Hi. How are you? 。(*^▽^*)ゞ I’ve got a spooky Halloween idea. I hope you like it. If you don’t, you can always just ignore it. It’s no biggie. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Okay, so the listener is tired of being pushed around his/her entire life. (it could be M4M, M4F or both. I’m a Fujoshi, so I’m more into M4M. But, you can pick whichever genre you want.) So on Halloween night he/she buys a black magic spell book. He/she finds a spell where you can summon a powerful demon and get him to do your bidding. There’s like a contract and everything to make this "legit". The Listener goes through with the summoning spell and calls forth a demon during Halloween night. The demon is really handsome and he seems really powerful too. So the Listener is so excited about the book actually working and about how he’s/she’s going to become powerful and is going to be able to get revenge on all the people who have pushed him/her around. However, he/she completely ignores reading through the looong contract and just sort of scans through it. He/she signs and doesn’t realize what he/she signed up for. The demon lets his new master go on and on about all the things he’d/she’d like him to do for her. It’s quite obvious that the Listener is really ecstatic and excited about all this. But, the demon decides to have a bit of fun by interrupting him/her and bringing up that… yes, he’ll do everything he wants. But, first he/she has to pay up. He says that nothing in this world is free and he/she has to fulfill his/her part of the contract. The Listener doesn’t have any idea what the demon is talking about and asks him. So the demon explains that he/she obviously didn’t read that part of the contract where it clearly stated that the master would have to… satisfy his needs. And the only needs he has are sexual ones. So yeah, the Master has to let the demon fuck him/her whenever he feels like it. And he’s actually feeling like it right now.

Request Princess

I actually thought of another idea. In case the first one wasn’t to your liking. And also because, I just heard the Trapped Under The Bed and Teasing Your No Fap Boyfriend. So now I discovered that you sound super duper hot when you’re dominating or being dominated. (*/∇\*) Okay, it’s another spooky Halloween idea. Hope you like it. Here it goes. (≧▽≦) The Listener is invited to a Halloween costume party. He/she spots a really sexy looking werewolf (I love werewolves and I specially love it when you growl/howl.) sitting from across the room. He/she decides to hit on him. The sexy man is actually pretty nervous. Because, it’s his first time interacting with humans. He’s not even supposed to be there. But, he just really wanted to go to a human party and see what it was like. So he sneaked out without permission. The last thing he expected was to be hit on by some random human cutie. The Listener insists on taking the hot man into an unoccupied room. He/she easily tricks the shy werewolf into going to a room so they can talk better without the loud music getting in the way. But, once they’re there… The Listener pushes the naïve man to the bed and starts kissing him. He’s/she’s lying on top of him and kissing him passionately. Even though, the other man tries to push him off and protests. But, the Listener doesn’t listen and starts playing with the werewolf’s ears and tail. Which happen to be erogenous zones. The Listener also starts slowly getting the man aroused with all his kissing and touching. Specially when he/she starts unzipping his pants and begins giving the werewolf a really hungry and aggressive blow job. He/she keeps on "torturing" the werewolf and only stops when he’s about to cum. Then, he/she starts riding the werewolf’s hard cock. Even when the werewolf begs him/her not to. Because, he doesn’t think he’ll be able to keep control. P.S - Whether the werewolf keeps control or loses it and really wrecks the Listener as a sort of payback is totally up to you. ☆⌒(*^∇゜)v


I actually really like both of these ideas. I might not do them exactly as you describe, but the first one about summoning a demon is pretty similar to something I already had in mind with a succubus/incubus, and the one about the werewolf... I have some notions on how I might adapt that slightly. The overall concept is really good! Don't be surprised of you hear these over the course of the next week!


I like that, "Going down the chimney" but the chimney is Santa's dick. Could be a mall Santa or at a Christmas party if you wanted to keep it more real to life but I know that's not the aim sometimes


Ha 😄 there's too many good puns and whatnot when it comes to Santa. And I like the idea of a dodgy mall Santa. In fact Bad Santa was one of my favourite Christmas movies for a long time, although I haven't seen it in years.