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...And here's the M4F 😘

As with the M4M, it's a rough one, so please consider carefully before listening.





You KNOW you thought about your nickname when you recorded this. Admit it! This was awesome. The jealousy creeping into your voice was done perfectly! Now, on to figure out how the hell to get through the rest of the day after panty destroyer has been through.

Nothing Special

It's weird. I don't really like spanking or doing it in public but the thing that triggered me was ice cream. Nobody eats my food without my permission, specially ice-cream. I don't share my food, so no, you can't have my ice-cream. The rest of the audio was brilliant as always 👏


These always come out when I’m sitting here at work and then it’s a battle to keep my imagination from going crazy 😂


what a lovely gift to wake up to... I'll be staying in bed just a bit longer now, thank you very much


I had a feeling the ice cream thing would be deeply triggering for lots of people.

Dee Dee

No!!! Not the ice cream! 😩😩 The ice cream was an innocent bystander!! 😱 😞💔💔😔 Great piece btw! For both versions. You know, I actually I am a sucker for a healthy dose of jealousy. It is such a turn on knowing I am an "all to myself" focused desire of my man. So having that said, this fulfilled another intangible need of mine. 😊💜🌵💜

Angela Stone

That was great! I was so tense and scared, though, waiting for the poop to hit the fan that I gave myself a headache. I was like, “No, no, stupid girl, what’s wrong with you, smiling at another guy?!?” I was very relieved Daddy at least dragged us into a bathroom to discipline us and didn’t like, put us over his knee in front of the whole mall. I think. Hmmm. 😸

Domina in the Details

I’m trying not to read the comments beforehand (SPOILERS!), but I’m glad I did because I ate ice cream while listening and it was absolutely glorious🍦🍨🖤!!!

Domina in the Details

I also physically made a pouty face when the ice cream was thrown away (spoilers!) 🥺🤍


Daisy, I honestly am starting to think that this is all part of a bigger plan BF has to destroy all of the panties in the Universe. He’s planning to rule the world it appears, one pair of panties at a time. We are onto you BF!

Angela Stone

After listening to this one for the second time (and the others like it, at least 50 times each), I realized just what a Master you are, BF. You (Daddy) always reflect upon the spanking in some way afterward ( example:“I’m sorry I had to spank you”) with Baby, as you critique how well your little angel “took their spanking”. And after feeling that familiar ‘zing’ shoot up between my legs into my belly, as my legs weakened for the umpteen thousandth time, I finally recognized the subtle, yet very effective, psychological domination. OH, You ARE good! Purrrr....😼


Thanks Angela, what a great compliment. When I'm writing I sometimes slip into something like a trance where I feel like I'm inhabiting the mental space of both the dominator and the dominated. It's a very strange experience but it seems to be where the best work comes from. I think those are the moments you're referring to, I'm glad you like them.

Agent Paper

The aftercare is soo sweet. And I liked that even during the punishment, we were consistently told why it was happening. Makes it easier to take the pain🤭


Okay. Major butterflies at "Stand up". Insanely wonderful instant arousal. It floors me how much this reminds me of a past relationship. Your aftercare made me cry and end up all tingly. Thank you for this. 🙏