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Hey there everyone. Another question, regarding how you'd like to use Patreon!

Since moving to MP3s this week, it occurs to me that Patrons might like their subscription here to be a more all-inclusive experience. Currently I don't post SFW audios here - they all go on YouTube, and only the NSFW stuff goes here. I'm considering changing that, so you could just listen to everything right here in one place. 

Most usefully, this would probably be good if you're listening to parts of a series and don't want to switch between SFW on YouTube and then come here for the NSFW episodes.

What do you think?  



Personally I like to be able to support your YT channel as it helps it to grow etc. But I'd listen to everything and anything, wherever you post it. 😊


I'd prefer if everything was on patreon bc a lot of the times I go to patreon for your vids, and miss a lot of vids you do on YouTube

Eric von Habsburg

I’d love everything to be posted to Patreon but I also switch to YouTube and support your YouTube channel and would continue to do so. So it doesn’t really matter to me all that much. Whatever’s easiest I guess 😅


That's one of the things I was worried about. I should have posed this question long ago, but it's good to finally get on top of it.


I think your team is winning!


That's incredibly kind. I'm so lucky to have such supportive people appreciating my work! 😄😭


A few people have mentioned this and it's not something I would have considered before. But I think I'll definitely be posting it all on here, now


Won't the proposed system be repetitive on your part? I don't mind switching between Patreon & YT to access.


It would be repetitive, but not too much hassle. And it's important to me that I provide a good service to those who are supporting me. It's all just part of the tricky process of slowly figuring out how to make this work as efficiently as possible.

foxy kitty

Anything you do is fine with me as I know how Much work it is and how time consuming I don’t ever want you to over work yourself for us we all our here because your amazing so I’m sure we all agree that whatever is easier for you we will still love so do what works for you not us please


It's only like 5 extra minutes work with each post! So don't worry about it. And the more I think about it, the more I'd also prefer to have everything in one place. And anyone who likes listening to the SFW stuff on YT could still continue to do that, too.


Thanks Foxy 🙂 it's no problem, the hard part is making the audio, posting them online is the easy bit!


Hmm I think it would be best for you to keep SFW edits on YouTube. That way you can keep growing your platform and growing an audience! But of course we will support whatever is best for you😤👍🏼💕


Oh for sure! Maybe I wasn't very clear but all the SFW stuff would keep going on YT as usual. The only difference between the two really is the possibility of SFW also going on here, as well as on YT.


Welcome aboard! Very happy to have you 😄