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Hey everyone. I decided to post another mythical creature role play! I've only done one previously, featuring a werewolf, so I thought I'd mix it up this time. I also just wrote the second part of another werewolf series that should be up within the next few months. 

I quite enjoy these, they require a different type of creativity in writing which is fun to explore. I might aim to do one each month, swapping out creatures to keep it fresh. If you have any ideas about this, let me know in the comments.

Here it is, uncensored:

The Vampire's Penetrating Kiss

Hope you like it, and have a great weekend! 



The Vampire's Penetrating Kiss [UNCENSORED].m4v

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Mythical creature ideas eh? One word: Incubus!


See! You post something new and GME and AMC!!!! You're a good luck charm!


Would recommend any creature from this list tbh: https://youtu.be/QGVRbA4qFDg Most of these would be wonderful as M4A, M4F, and M4M if you want to go those routes with any of them. Also where you are being transfixed by a creature might be interesting, but really difficult to write. If you do a monthly thing I might add leprechauns for March, but I guess they are included in fairies for most people. Demons are popular right now from what I can tell with some of the other channels I listen to. Hmm... there was another one but it has slipped my mind at the moment... 🤦‍♀️


I get the overpowering urge to bite people I'm attracted to, so this really did it for me 😋


i’m really intrigued by a potential monster of the month upload.. perhaps a devilish idea, but i’d love to see a corrupted/fallen angel giving to their desires. great content as always!


I wish it were that easy! I'd be posting everyday to get GME on the moon 🚀🚀🚀


That's a cool list, I realised I'd heard of the host before but never actually seen her, she's really cute! I'd not heard of some of those before. I feel like demons and incubus would have a lot of crossover. And that would definitely be a good one for a dual M4F/M4M post, like you say. I'll have to do some research on leprachauns because all I can think of is this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EGa3R9VvDVs&t=15s


I get this too and I've gotten in trouble for sending people to work the next day with huge hickeys


Ha you're too sweet, Daisy 😄


Funny you should ask, I actually did have ramen for lunch yesterday. And good observation - I've been trying to slow down my pace a bit lately and focus more on the energy & noises, rather than just dialogue.


An angel whose urge to fuck was so big he fell from grace? Absolutely, yes please

Katrina Rainsong

This is really fun! I would have Lake a multi-episode buildup, just because forever is a really big decision to take on when you just met him, LOL! I love that you're branching out into the Fantastical and can't wait for more mythical creatures, and

Katrina Rainsong

Maybe even a string of monster? Like a gargoyle Falls in love with someone and comes to life? I know, I'm such a 90s goth