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Hey there everyone, it's been a pretty long time since I've done a Q&A so I figured it could be a fun diversion.

If there's anything you want to ask, post away in the comments. And if you see a question that you want answered, give it a like. Questions with the most likes will be given preferential treatment.

Take your shot! I'll let the questions build up for a few days before I record my answers.


EDIT: The answers have been recorded and will be posted soon! Thanks to everyone who jumped in with questions!


jed -

Were there any scenarios you’ve written about that didn’t make the cut, or you thought it was too extreme or boring?


Have you ever been talking to a complete stranger IRL and have them recognised you? How’d it go?


I've already recorded the answers so I'll reply to this one here - nope! Audio erotica is still pretty niche. Most people I meet have never heard of it. Although occasionally people have heard of Quinn but not me specifically.

Zenani Doyle

Zenani Hi BadFantasy , I really enjoy your content. I was wondering if you would please consider recording a fantasy about a woman who is a wheelchair user and an able- bodied man. Most of the time when I have had sex, the experiences have left me vacillating between the sting of ableist rejection or the uncomfortable realization that the guy has fetishized a symptom of my different ability, like muscle spasms. Internalized ableism is my only insecurity. So, I think listening to this kind of fantasy would be an emotionally safe way to avoid these land mines. Thanks.


Hey Zenani, that's actually a really interesting idea... I'm a bit unfamiliar with how some aspects of this might work, just in a practical sense. If you've got an idea of a scenario or more details about the concept, DM me!

Zenani Doyle

Hi BadFantasy, Here’s the gist of what I’m getting at. I have a Condition called spastic cerebral palsy. For the sake of brevity, How do you say that muscle spasms are synonymous with muscle cramps for the person having them, in this case, me. From a guy‘s perspective, because the vagina is a muscle. It’s simply feels like the vagina question Raps even more tightly around the base of the penis then an able- bodied woman’s Vagina would . This is where the fetishizing comes in. Once guys finally figured this out they could be more focused on the muscle spasms then on the woman who is having them. You could see how this would create an interesting dynamic, given that the muscle spasms in the vagina caused the woman pain and the man pleasure. I hope this explanation clarifies things a bit. Knowing this, I’m pretty sure you can come up with any number of interesting scenarios to explore. Have fun!


I'll have to think about it a bit, it will probably go on my list of things to get done eventually but I'm likely to reach it at some point (I'm always slow with special requests!)