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For me, all this is sad, this is not only my big passion, but also it was my earnings (as well as for many other creators who, for their own reasons, cannot have a regular job-people with disabilities, various diseases or war). I don't think this policy change is 100% correct, early access, which was previously allowed by EA, is now banned. Now I can only exist on your donations. Thank you very much to everyone who has supported me all this time and to all those who will continue to do so, I really appreciate it.


Today I accidentally found this post on tumblr. It seems that many, indeed, had a misunderstanding of information about the new policy of EA. I hope this post will be useful to you, in fact, as it was to me. Thank you so much Celaena.



EA has updated its terms and conditions today to allow early access.




No worries from me, I love your very well made content and will always continue to support you.