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Heyo, another week another update! Was discussing some stuff with the people in the server and wanted to get it done by today so I can focus on Jikage Rising this week haha. 

So I'm thinking that we will have events where basically the outfits that the player unlocked in Arc 2 / Konoha is being transferred to our village, and then we get a bunch of shenanigans happen and we will have multiple quests to unlock the various different set of outfits. What I'm thinking is that the outfits will be unlocked by village and set, so the maid outfit for example, will be unlocked for Sakura, Ino, Hinata and Tenten when you complete the mission to retrieve the maid outfits that have gone missing.

So yeah, think it would be fun and a way for y'all to go on quest with the girls, which is always a good time haha. Probably a bit silly in terms of questline, cause, y'know, you are just picking up missing clothes, and honestly making these quest super serious might be a bit too edgy. 

What do y'all think actually?

Jikage Rising (ETA: v2.09 for Patrons on 16th March, v2.08 for Public on 2nd March)
-Adding in more UI updates
-Adding in the first outfit quest
-Adding in a new girl
-Adding in new battler sprites if it get finished


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