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Hey all, apologies for any late responses, just got back from the family errand and am pretty tired out. I have received some report on the errors and the like for the release and I will be working on them asap, so no worries!

At this time, Raiha(our artist) is attending to urgent personal matters that require his full attention and presence. While the details are private, we assure you that this is a significant moment in his life that necessitates a brief period away from his professional commitments. 

There might be some slight delays to some plans, but I will be looking into getting other artist to fill in the gaps if the delays do happen. It's mostly a "to inform everyone in advance" thing. It's unlikely there will be delays as I will be planning to get things pre-prepared, so not to worry.

In any case, do let me know if y'all have any concerns and I'll try to answer them to the best of my abilities!

Jikage Rising (ETA: v2.07 for Patrons on 20th Jan, v2.07 for Public on 3rd Feb)
-Getting combat into the game
-New building to be added maybe
-New scene for Tenten
-Hinata scenes
-Improvements that are requested



No rush. I just wish you the best.