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Hey all, it's another weekly update! Had something come down over the weekend, not sure what it was, but I had a major headache and was super lethargic. Not too sure what happened. But anyway, this week I'll be focusing solely on Jikage Rising, we have a bit of a situation pop up, but I'll figure it out like I always do, so no worries haha.

We might also have some issues with Tenten's new art not being ready on time, but no worries, we will still have at least 2 new scenes for y'all! Just that it might be a bit "thin" update wise. I am also working on something else in the meantime, which hopefully will make things a bit more fun. So yeap haha, that's about it! 

As always, here's the TL/DR! Just let me know if y'all have any questions yeah!

Jikage Rising (ETA: v2.06 for Patrons on 16th Dec, v2.06 for Public on 6th Jan)
-Digger deeper into card game issues
-New building to be added maybe
-Ino new bedroom scene
-New character(?)
-Improvements that are requested

Dungeons and Tavern (ETA: T.B.D)
-Remaking maps to fit upgrades and events more
-Sprites for monsters
-Processing character sprites
-Prepping for VA



Having a major headache and feeling lethargic can be symptoms of a migraine Not a doctor But those are 2 of the major symptoms of my migraines Unfortunately there are so many different symptoms and not everyone gets the same so … just keep it in mind