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Hey all, it's time for your weekly dose of doggo. And yeap, that definitely sounded better in my head. Anyway, let's get down to business haha.

Well, first up, Raiha is feeling better, so do give him some love if you get the chance! As promised, I'll be getting the updated scene in, as well as fixing some of the reported errors, so do keep an eye out for that this week!

I'll be mostly go back and forth between some things this week, it's a bit of a messy week, but hopefully it'll be productive haha. We'll have some art ready and there's also a bit of progress on the doujin page, but that's probably a different kind of news for a different page haha.

That reminds me as well, I mentioned this is the server which probably a bunch of you are in haha, but basically we have a multiplayer server for V-Rising, like the 24 hours 7 days a week kind, it's already been paid for and if y'all wanna hop in and join, feel free haha, the server got restarted cause of a corrupted save, so yeap yeap, come on in. It's kinda like uh, Minecraft, but you're a vampire, and you get to fight bosses and kidnap NPCs to turn into your slaves. I guess it's not really like Minecraft but you get the idea lol. If you're interested in joining us, just search up "Doggo's Server" or directly connect to

Jikage Rising (ETA: v2.06 for Patrons on 16th Dec, v2.05 for Public on 2nd Dec)
-Digger deeper into card game issues
-New building to be added maybe
-Ino new bedroom scene
-New character(?)
-Improvements that are requested

Dungeons and Tavern (ETA: K.I.V)
-Remaking maps to fit upgrades and events more
-Sprites for monsters
-Processing character sprites
-Prepping for VA


Mikkel frost møller

for some reason i hope that the next character that joins is hinata if not then a reanimation who is on the busty side